
发布 2022-11-25 21:29:28 阅读 2433

unit 3 at the zoo!


句型:能听懂、会说句型it (so) tall/short/… it has…描述动物的外貌特征。

词汇:能听、说、认读单词:tall, short, fat, thin, big, small, long.





part a

学习目标:1. 能听懂、会说句型it (so) tall/short/…

2. 能听、说、认读单词:tall, short, fat, thin

. read and choose. 单项选择。(10分)

)1. -the elephant has long nose!

a. anb.

) 2. look the monkey.

a. atb. in c. on

) 3. -look at the giraffe.

a. wow, it’s so tallb. it’s so small.

c. wow, ti’s so small

) 4. the monkey has a tail.

a. shortb. long c. thin

) 5. it’s so fat. it’s a __

a. monkey b. bird c. pig

. look and match. 请将正确的**与英文单词连线。(10分)

1a. tall

2b. fat

3c. short

4d. thin

. read and match. 读一读,连一连。(10分)

1. look at that monkeya. 它那么长!

2. it’s so longb. 看那只猴子!

3. my brother is thinc. 那个男人很高。

4. that man is talld. 猪很胖。

5. the pig is fate. 我弟弟很瘦。

part b

学习目标:1.能听懂、会说句型it has…

2.能听、说、认读单词:big, small, long, short。


. look and match. 请把正确的**与英文句子连线。(10分)

1a. it’s has a long nose!

2b. it’s black and white.

3c. it is small.

4d. it has long ears.

5e. it has a small head.

. read and choose. 单项选择。(10分)

)1. -how many do you know?

a. childb. a childc. children

) 2. they are .

a. a monkeyb. monkey c. monkeys

) 3. -it has a (长的) body.

a. shortb. longc. thin

) 4. the monkey is and the pig is .

a. thin, fatb. fat, thin c. big, small

) 5. it’s so fat. it’s a __

a. monkey b. bird c. pig

. read and choose. 读一读,选择合适的单词填空。(10分)

look at the

it has a nose.

it has eyes and ears.

it has a tail.

unit3 at thezoo 单元测试卷。


listening part (听力部分)(40分)

. listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)

1. a. short b. small c. big

2. a. fat b. thin c. small

3. a. tall b. tail c. thin

4. a. big b. pig c. bag

5. a. nice b. milk c. like

. listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)

1. a. it has a long noseb. it has a long tail.

2. a. it’s so smallb. it’s so short.

3. a. look at the elephant. b. look at the monkey.

4. a. you’re rightb. that’s right.

5. a. look at meb. look at the panda

. listen and tick(√)or cross(×)判断下列**与录音内容是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示。 (10分)

. listen and number. 听录音,标序号。(10分)

) come here, children!

) it has small eyes and big ears.

) wow. it has a long nose.

) look at the ehephant!

) it has a short tail.


. read and choose. 找出不同类的一项。(10分)

a. bigb.

a. legb. pigc. giraffe

a. smallb. longc. hand

) a. dadb. mumc. hand

) a. tallb. tigerc. thin

. read and choose. 看图,选词填空,将序号填在横线上。 (10分)

1. the watermelon is . the apple is .

2. dad, i’m . you are .

3. the pen is . the crayon is .

4. the panda is . the monkey is .


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