
发布 2020-11-06 19:00:28 阅读 7220

unit 5 let’s celebrate!

1. h**e a guess猜一下//猜。

2. dress sb (in给某人穿(··衣裳。

dress oneself给自己穿衣服。

dress up as装扮成···

dress up in穿···装扮/打扮。

3. the monkey king美猴王。

4. the spring festival春节。

5. the mid-autumn festival 中秋节。

6. on that day在那天。

7. get together聚会//联欢。

8. h**e a big dinner吃大餐。

9. enjoy the full moon. 赏月。

be full of充满···装满···

10. tell ··about告诉···关于···

11. in the usa在美国= in america

12. h**e lots of fun玩得非常开心。

13. play a game with sb 和···玩游戏。

14. knock on/ at the door 敲门。

15. give sb sth as a treat 给某人···作为招待。

16. play a trick on sb捉弄某人。

17. on the evening of october 31st 在10月31日的晚上。

18. all kinds of rice dumplings 各种各样的粽子。

19. the red one红色的那个。

20. that girl in a red coat 穿红色外套的那个女孩。

21. give each other presents 给彼此礼物。

22. find out找出//弄清楚//搞明白。

23. be on holiday在度假。

24. take photos拍照。

25. at night在夜晚。

26. after that在那以后。

27. at the school hall在学校大厅里。

28. seem +adj好像···似乎···

seem to do sth好像做了···似乎做了··

it seems/ seemed that ··

29. around the world世界各地= all over the world

30. an important day/person 一个重要的一天//人。

31. most of大多数的···

32. let off// set off燃放···使···**。

33. watch the lion dance **狮子舞。

unit 5 let’s celebrate!

important sentences:

1) let's celebrate让我们庆祝吧。

2) how about the monkey king装扮成)美猴王怎么样?

3) what is your f**ourite festival? 你最喜欢的节日是什么?

4) it's great真棒!

5) thank you for telling me about the mid-autumn festival.谢谢你告诉我有关中秋节的事。

6) i like halloween best我最喜欢万圣节前夕。

7) what do you do on/ at halloween. 在万圣节前夕你做什么?

8) which (one) would you like你想要哪一个?

9) who is mr wu谁是吴老师?

10) whose bag is this这是谁的包?

11) when is your birthday什么时候是你的生日?

12) where is my pen我的笔在哪?

13) why are you happy你为什么开心?

14) how do you get to school你怎样去学校?

15) what do you h**e for lunch你午餐吃什么?

16) what does he want for christmas/his birthday? 圣诞节/生日时他想要什么?

17) happy new year!--the same to you! 新年快乐//

18) what do you do to celebrate the chinese new year in beijing? 你在北京做什么来庆祝春节。

19) you seem very happy你似乎很开心。

20) h**e a nice day度过美好一天

grammar: the usage of "how"

how对 by bus/car/bike/train/plane ,on foot, take a bus ,walk, ride等方式提问。

walks to school. -how does he go to school?

how old 多大了,对年龄进行提问。

how many﹢可数名词复数对可数名词的数量进行提问。

how much ﹢不可数名词对不可数名词的量进行提问。

how often 多久一次对频率进行提问。

always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never once a day, twice a week, three times a month,

four times a year, every day/ monday/ tuesday

how long 多长时间对时间段提问 ,for ﹢ 时间段。

for half an hour, two days, and three years, twenty minutes

how soon 对in ﹢时间段提问。

in a day, in two weeks, in three years 等提问。

how far 多远对距离提问 kilometers my home is 3 kms away from my school.

how far is your home from your school?


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