新版PEP五年级英语下册课文及单词 rar

发布 2020-11-04 15:48:28 阅读 4327

unit 1 my day

a. let’s talk.

zhang peng: when do you finish class in the morning?

pedro: we finish class at 1 o’clock.

then we eat lunch at home.

zhang peng: wow!

when do you go back to school after lunch?

pedro: at 2:30.

classes start at 3 o’clock.

zhang peng: when do you usually eat dinner in spain?

pedro: usually at 9:30 or 10 o’clock.

zhang peng: wow! that’s too late!

b. let’s talk.

shopkeeper: why are you shopping today?

sarah: my mum worked last night.

so i’m shopping today.

shopkeeper: good girl!

so what do you do on the weekend?

sarah: i often watch tv and play ping-pong with my father.

shopkeeper: that sounds like a lot of fun.

sarah: yes, but i’m also hard-working.

i usually wash clothes.

sometimes i cook dinner.

shopkeeper: you’re so busy!

you need a robot to help you!

robin’s play

robin is in a play.

he is robinson crusoe.

here is a letter from him.

my name is robinson.

i live on an island.

i always get up early every day.

i wash my face, and then i eat breakfast.

sometimes i clean my c**e, too.

i often go swimming in the water.

in the afternoon, i play sports with my friend.

his name is friday.

friday is good at sports.

he often wins.

c. story time

zip: it’s saturday now.

zoom, i’m always very busy.

zoom: why?

zip: let me see.

from monday to wednesday, i usually collect nuts in the afternoon.

zoom: what else?

zip: on thursday, i often dry my nuts in the sun.

zip: on friday, i eat nuts with my friends.

zoom: what do you usually do on the weekend?

zip: i often watch tv, but this weekend i h**e a show.

i’ll play the pipa.

zoom: when?

zip: saturday, at 12 o’clock.

oh, no!

words in unit 1

eat breakfast 吃早饭。

h**e … class上……课。

play sports 进行体育运动。

exercise 活动;运动。

do morning exercises 早锻炼。

eat dinner 吃晚饭。

clean my room 打扫我的房间。

go for a walk 散步。

go shopping 去买东西;购物。

take 学习;上(课)

dancing 跳舞;舞蹈。

take a dancing class 上舞蹈课。

when 什么时候;何时。

after 在(时间)后。

start 开始。

usually 通常地;惯常地





why 为什么。

shop 去买东西;购物。

work 工作。

last 上一个的;刚过去的。

sound 听起来好像。

also 还;也。


need 需要。

play 戏剧;剧本。

letter 信。

for 表示接受某事物的人。

live 居住。

island 岛。

always 总是,一直。

c**e 山洞;洞穴。

go swimming 去游泳。

win 获胜。

unit 2 my f**ourite season

a. let’s talk

mr jones: do you like the music, children?

mike: yes. it’s very beautiful.

what is it?

mr jones: the four seasons.

today we’ll draw the seasons.

which season do you like best, mike?

mike: winter. i like snow.

mr jones: i like snow, too.

which season do you like best, wu yifan?

wu yifan: spring. it’s pretty.

mr jones: yes, it is.

b. let’s talk

amy: hello, miss white.

look at my picture.

miss white: good job!

i like the trees.

the colours are very pretty.

amy: yes. i like autumn best.

the weather is good and the colours are beautiful!

which season do you like beat, miss white?

miss white: summer.

amy: why?

miss white: because i like summer vacation!

robin likes them all!

look at the green trees and pink flowers.

i like spring because there are beautiful flowers everywhere.

the weather is hot, hot, hot!

i like summer, but i can’t swim.

what lovely colours!

the le**es fall and fall and fall.

i love fall!

wow! i want to paint a picture, too!

there is lots of snow.

it is white everywhere.

i like winter because i can play in the snow.

story time

zip & zoom: welcome!

koala: thank you. merry christmas!

zip & zoom: merry christmas!

zoom: what do you usually do on christmas day?

koala: i usually go to the beach and swim in the sea!

zoom: you swim in winter?

koala: christmas is in summer in australia, so we never h**e snow for christmas.

zoom: which season do you like best?

koala: summer. i like sunny days.

koala: wow! a white christmas!

zoom: let’s make a snowman.

zip & koala: great!

zip: say “cheese”!

koala: cheese!

words in unit 2

spring 春天。

summer 夏天。

autumn 秋天。

winter 冬天。

season 季节。

picnic 野餐。

go on a picnic 去野餐。

pick 摘;采集。

pick apples 摘苹果。

snowman 雪人。

make a snowman 堆雪人

go swimming 去游泳。

which 哪一个。

best 最好地。

snow 雪。

good job做得好。

because 因为。

vacation 假期。

all 全,完全。


lovely 可爱的;美丽的。

leaf 叶子。

fall 落下;【美】秋天。

paint 用颜料绘画。

unit 3 my school calendar

a – let’s talk.

mike: we h**e a few fun things in spring.

after the sports meet, we h**e an easter party.

zhang peng: when is the party?

mike: it’s in april.

we h**e a school trip, too.


pep教材五年级下册话题及重点归纳。b6 unit 1 da 话题 中外日常生活 周末活动。重点词汇 part a d rning exerises,eat breafast,h e lass,pla sprts,eat dinner part b lean r,g fr a al,g shppin...


pep教材五年级下册话题及重点归纳。b6unit1yday 话题 中外日常生活 周末活动。重点词汇 parta doorningexercises,eatbreafast,h e class,playsports,eatdinner partb cleanyroo,goforawal,goshopp...


四 频率副词。always总是,一直 100 usually通常 80 often 经常 60 sometimes 30 有时 五疑问词 why 为什么 when 什么时候。六重点句型。1 询问别人什么时候做某事的句型及回答。句型结构 问 when do you 动词短语原形 其他?你 你们什么时候...