
发布 2020-11-01 00:21:28 阅读 4062

班级: 姓名座号: 家长签名。

一、 判断划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打“√”不相同打“×”

1. that pretty ( 3. sweep clean (

4. purple thursday ( girl6. flower how (

二、翻译。1. 好吃的2. 聪明的3. 咸的。

4. 浇花5. 做饭。

6. 打扫卧室7. 洗衣服。






can do? she canthe classroom.

16. 他会倒掉水。he empty the

17. 你会做家务吗?是的,我会做家务。

do houseworki .


1. there are four chairs. (改为单数句子)therechair.

2. i can play chess. (就划线部分提问do?

3. i can cook the meals. (改为一般疑问句cook the meals?


1. i c play football, but my brother can.

2. robot can s the tand w the f

3. we don’t go to school on sand s

4. i’d like pand efor lunch.

first day of a week is s


1. h**e i to try would a like (.

2. the robot not do dishes the can (.

3. what you at do can john home (,

4. can the games play computer you (?

5. her we help can

6. you helpful are home at


)1. my grandma can cook noodles, but my sister .

a. canb. isc. can’t

)2. please your hands before you h**e dinner.

a. waterb. watchc. wash

)3. i am computer.

a. ab. anc. am

)4. amy, can you do housework? yes, only(仅仅)a little.

a. andb. butc. can

)5. i’m agirl, i can do housework at home.

a. goodb. helpfulc. help

)6. are you helpful at home? yes, i .

a. canb. can’tc. am

)7. it’s time breakfast.

a. tob. forc. on


)1. what’s your f**ourite food? a. she can make the bed.

)2. what can your mother do? b. i can set the table.

)3. what can you doc. yes, she can.

)4. can you wash the clothes? d. no, i can’t.

)5. can your mother do the dishes? e. fish.


)1. just do ita. 我会画动物园里的动物。

)2. i can draw animals in the zoo. b. 熊猫会吃很多竹子。

)3. the panda can eat so much bamboo. c. 我想试一试。

)4. i often help my mother to do the dishes. d. 就这么干吧。

)5. i’d like to h**e a trye. 我经常帮妈妈洗碗碟。


) 1. a. skirt b. shirt c. jacket d. clothes

) 2. a. day b. sunday c. saturday d. friday

) 3. a. apple b. orange c. fruit d. grapes

) 4. a. sweep b. cook c. help d. helpful

) 5. a. floor b. chair c. bed d. table

) 6. a. water b. wash c. watch d. what

) 7. a. strict b. short c. smart d. active

) 8. a. fresh b. healthy c. mutton d. tasty

) 9. a. meal b. breakfast c. lunch d. dinner

)10. b. tomato c. cabbage d. eggplant




一 填空题。1 16 9小数 5 分母为15的最简真分数的和是 吨煤,把它平均分成10份,每份是 每份占这些煤的 7 把2平方米的布平均分成3份,每份是。8 把4米的铁丝剪成相等的5段,每段占全长的 个小组分16本故事书,每个小组分得这些这些故事书的 每个小组分。10 的分子加上8,要使分数的大小不...


班级姓名成绩。一 看拼音写词语。25分 f ng hu z n sh g ng qi ng h o ku ng b n y ng d i q ng sh u sh y lu n h ng h ng di di zhu ng zhu ng zh n y 二 给加点的字选择正确的读音。用 表示。8分 暂...


成绩 班级姓名。一 给下列加点字选择正确的读音。4分。捕捞 b p 鱼饵 y r y r 操纵 z ng zh ng 咂嘴 z z 挑拨 b b 画框 ku ng ku ng 垂蔓 m n w n 旅途 l l 二 同音字组词。6分。juji ns ibi n 择实鱼争。对飞边子 定推车别 三 下列...