
发布 2020-10-29 06:13:28 阅读 8908


)hi, mr jones.

1)mr jones, this is amy. she’s a new student.

)where are you from?

)hi, amy.

)i’m from the uk.

二)p141)hi, dad. this is my friend amy.

)nice to meet you, too.

)where are you from?

)nice to meet you.

)i’m from the uk.

三)p171)who’s that boy?

3)is she your mother?

5)is he your father?

)he’s my brother.

)yes, she is.

)no, he isn’t. he’s my teacher.

四)p271)come here, children!

)wow! it has a long nose.

)look at the elephant.

)it has a short tail.

)it has small eyes and big ears.

五)p38 )uh-oh! where is my pencil box?

)ok!1)let’s go home!

)look! it’s in your desk.

)and your pencil! it’s under your book!

)oh, yes!

)silly me! thanks.

六)p41 )is it in your bag?

)is it in your toy box?

)no, it isn’t.

)yes, it is. thanks mum.

1)mum ,where is my cap?

)bye! h**e a good time!


七)p48 )do you like oranges?

)do you like pears?

6、你还知道哪些环境问题?它们都对地球造成了哪些影响?( no, i don’t. i like apple.

10、生物学家列文虎克于2024年出生在荷兰,他制成了世界上最早的可放大300倍的金属结构的显微镜。他用自制的显微镜发现了微生物。( yes, i do.

1)honey, let’s buy some fruit.

八)p51 )thanks. i like grapes.

1)h**e some grapes.

六年级下册科学复习资料( )sorry, i don’t like grapes.

)can i h**e some bananas?

在铁制品表面涂上油漆或菜油,用完铁制品后擦干放在干燥的地方等。( thanks.

13、以太阳为中心,包括围绕它转动的八大行星(包括围绕行星转动的卫星)、矮行星、小天体(包括小行星、流星、彗星等)组成的天体系统叫做太阳系。( here you are.


)wow, so beautiful!

1)look at the kites!

)1,2…i see 12!

)oh!2、你知道日食的形成过程吗?( how many kites do you see?

)no! the black one is a bird!


十)p613、除了我们日常生活产生的家庭垃圾外,工厂、学校、医院、建筑工地等每天也在产生大量的垃圾。( my new crayons.

1、月球是地球的卫星,月球围绕着地球运动,运动的方向是逆时针方向。(1)wu yifan, what’s this?

)wow! how many crayons do you h**e?

)1,2…16. you h**e 16 crayons.

)open it and see!


hi,mr jones.1 mr jones,this is amy.she s a new student.where are you from?hi,amy.i m from the uk.1 hi,nice to meet you,too.where are you from?nice to ...


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unit5doyoulikepears?第二课时。信丰县小河中心小学杨长英。一 教学目标。1 能听 说 认 读单词pear,orange,apple,banana,及其复数。形式pears,oranges,apples,bananas。2 能听懂,会说do you like yes i,...