2023年人教版五年级英语上册期末试卷 含答案

发布 2020-10-21 02:45:28 阅读 2622




) 1. a. baby b. family c. windy d. fly

) 2. a. book b. look c. balloon d. good

) 3. a. window b. now c. snow d. yellow

) 4. a. eat b. tea c. bread d. repeat

) 5. a. kind b. hill c. him d. live



) 1. -what’s he like?

a. he is a worker. b. he can speak english.

c. he is very strict. d. he likes ice cream.

) 2. there aredays in a week.

a. six b. five c. eight d. seven

) 3. our maths teacher is verywe all like

a. funny; he b. fun; him c. funny; him d. fun; his

) 4. i like pei don’t like music.

a. but b. so c. and d. because

) 5. there aren’trivers in the park.

a. a b. an c. any d. some

) 6. don’tthe window, please!

a. closing b. to close c. close d. closes

) 7. what do youfor lunch today?

a. h**e b. do c. run d. fly

) 8. it’s 12 o’clock at noon. he’s h**ing

a. breakfast b. lunch c. supper d. time

) 9. -you h**e a nice coat.

a. yes, it’s nice. b. thank you. c. ok. d. you’re right.

) 10. theresome beautiful trees in front of our building.

a. h**e b. has c. is d. are



a: good afternoon, mike.

b: (1what do you h**e on fridays?

a: (2b: great! (3

a: i often play basketball. do you like playing basketball?

b: (4who’s your pe teacher?

a: (5his class is so much fun.

b: i know.

a. yes, i do. b. what do you do on pe class?

c. mr zhang is our pe teacher. d. good afternoon.

e. i h**e pe.



watch tree meals cook salad

tuesday helpful flowers read housework

hello! i’m sarah. my f**ourite day is (1because we h**e

tomatoes and (2for lunch that day. on saturdays i often (3)

tv and do sports. on sundays, i often (4books and

do (5at home. i’m (6at home. i can (7)

the (8look! there is a big (9and

many colorful (10near my house! how nice!


a)in the morning i get up at six. i wash my face and put on my clothes.

then i eat breakfast with my family at six thirty. at six forty, i go to

school by bike. i am never (从未) late, but tom is sometimes late and

mary is often late. they often run to school.


) 1) i get up at 7:00.

) 2) i eat breakfast at home.

) 3) i go to school by bus.

) 4) tom is never late for class.

) 5) mary is often late for class.

b)hello. i am john. today is monday. i h**e maths, art and science. mr

carter is a new teacher, he comes from the uk and he teaches us maths.

he is very tall. miss green is our art teacher, she is strict but she’s

very kind. mrs black is so smart. they are all nice. we all like them.


) 1) i h**e __new teacher(s).

a. three b. two c. a

) 2) mr carter is a(n) _teacher.

a. english b. maths c. chinese

) 3) tomorrow is __

a. tuesday b. monday c. wednesday

) 4) _is an art teacher.

a. mr carter b. mrs black c. miss green

) 5) _is my science teacher.

a. mr catcer b. mrs black c. miss green

c)jack: good morning, sue.

sue: good morning. i can’t find the picture. i must find the picture. i

must find it now. can you help me?

jack: of course! which picture?

sue: it’s a new one. my father, my mother and i are in it. my father is

in a blue coat. my mother is in a red dress. i’m in a brown blouse. a

tree is behind us.

jack: oh, look! what’s that under the table?

sue: yes, that’s it! thank you, jack.

jack: that’s all right.


) 1) sue can’t __the picture.

a. draw b. find c. see

) 2) the picture is __

a. old b. new c. good

) 3) there are __people in the picture.

a. three b. two c. four

) 4) the woman in a red dress is sue’s __

a. father b. teacher c. mother

) 5) the tree is __them.

a. behind b. beside c. in front of



样?兴趣爱好又是什么呢?请你根据提示,以“my best friend”为题写一篇短文,相信你会写得很棒!

my best friend部分。一、

1) baseball (2) mountain (3) fourteen (4) village (5) now

6) bedroom (7) sunday (8) close (9) do the dishes (10) building

二、1. a: let’s draw a rainbow.

b: ok, it’s very beautiful.

2. a: what do you do on the weekend?

b: i often read books.

3. a: my f**ourite fruit is bananas.

b: oh, they’re very delicious.

4. a: can you wash your clothes?

b: yes, i can.

5. a: are there many trees in the picture?

b: yes, there are.三、a)

mike has chinese on monday. sarah has maths on monday. mike has music

and pe on wednesday. sarah has english on wednesday. on friday, mike has

a dance class and sarah has pe. on saturday, mike plays ping-pong, but

sarah often draws cartoons.

b)this is the picture of my room. there is a bed in front of a window. the

desk is beside the bed. there is a computer and a plate on the desk.

under the desk is a ball.


一、1-5 dcbca

二、1-10 cdcac cabbd

三、1)-(5) debac

四、1) tuesday (2) salad (3) watch (4) read (5) housework (6) helpful (7)

cook (8) meals (9) tree (10) flowers五、a)

b)1)-(5) cbacb

c)1)-(5) bbaca

六、my best friend

kate is my best friend. she is a good student. she’s very kind. she

often goes to school from monday to friday. i always play with her on

the weekend. her f**ourite food is fish. it is delicious. she is helpful

at home. she can wash clothes, cook meals and clean the floor. she is

very happy every day.


一 请默写出下列单词。老的年轻的可笑的和蔼的聪明的。严格的有礼貌的努力的愿意帮忙的害羞的。2 请完成下列句子。1 ayour math teacher?b mr zhao.根据答句写出问句 2 a根据答句写出问句 b he s thin and s very kind.3 a她很年轻吗?b no她很...


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