
发布 2020-10-19 08:31:28 阅读 6783







一.选出下列划线部分读音不同的单词。(10分)()1. a. beefb. teac. meet(((

2. a. brown) 3. a. crow) 4. a. black) 5. a. coat

b. yellowb. cropb. blowb. goat

c. windowc. creamc. browc. road

d. breakd. snowd. cleand. blockd. mouth

二.按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。(10分1. tuesday3. tomato


2. h**e(第三人称单数形式)4. noodles(单数)

5. young(反义词)6 short(反义词)__7、young (反义词8、thin (反义词9、fun (形容词10、know(同音词三.选择填空。(20分((

1. the first day in a week isa. saturday) 2. i like ice-cream. it’s.

b. sunday

c. monday3 / 6

a. sourb. sweet( )3your math teacher?

mr what's b. who's c. where's( )4.

—what's he like?—he's __

a. funny b. fun c. principal( )5. is she quiet?

a. yes, she isn't. b.

no, she is. c. no, she isn't6.

what do we h**e on mondays? we h**e __a. friday b.

science c. fruit( )7. what do you __on saturdays?

a. is b. does c.

do( )8. what __you?

a. are b. about c. do

) 9. what would you like for lunch?i'd like some __

a. green beans b. green bean c. be( )10. do you h**e a new teacher?

a. yes, i am. b.

no, i don't. c. no, i do.

四.连词成句。(10分)1. do, on, what, wednesdays, do you?

2. like, water, some ,i’d . like,she?

c. salty

4. often,books,you,do,read?5. young,is,he,and,funny.


1. our english teacher is sbut he’s kind.(严格的)

2.“what’s shelshe isn’t active. she isq文静的)

3. what would you like for l午餐)

4. we all like mclass , because we can sing and dance in class.(**)

六、阅读一面的对话,根据上下文,选择合适的句子将对话补充完整,并将其编号写到相应的横线上。(10分)a.thank you.

b.what’s your f**ourite food?

c.can i interview you for the school news*****?d.what do you do on the weekends?e.do you like weekends?

a: hello, miss white

b: sure.

ab: yes, i like weekends.

ab: i often read books and do sports on the weekends.

ab: i like tomatoes. they are healthy.



that man ?

our new teacher ? our new principal ?

) 2.当你告诉别人你的同学迈克很风趣时,你说:__

very are very funny.


is it day ? it is today ? day is it today ?


day do you h**e on tuesdays ? do you h**e on tuesdays ? do you like on tuesdays ?


your f**orite fruit ? do you h**e ?

would you like for lunch ?

)6. what’s she like? _is pretty.

a. he b. she c. i

)7. what’s he like? _is strict but very kind.

a. he b. she c. i

)8. _is your english teacher? mr. carter.

a. who b. what c. who’s

)9. mr. carter. he’s __canada.

a. from b. on c. under

) would you like , beef or mutton ?

___some pork .

a. i like b. i’d like c. i would


unit3 what would you like?教材分析。一 教材分析与目标 一 教材分析。本单元的内容是以前学习过的食物知识的拓展和延伸。因为食物这一题材和学生的实际生活有着密切的联系,而且之前学生也学习过一些相关内容,有了一定的知识基础,所以学生对这一单元的内容应该会很感兴趣,学起来也会更加...


unit3 whatwould youlike?教材分析。一 教材分析与目标。一 教材分析。本单元的内容是以前学习过的食物知识的拓展和延伸。因为食物这一题材和学生。的实际生活有着密切的联系,而且之前学生也学习过一些相关内容,有了一定的知识。基础,所以学生对这一单元的内容应该会很感兴趣,学起来也会更加...


小学五年级上册英语单元作业 一 班级姓名等级。listening part 一。根据录音内容,将下列各组中符合录音内容的图的编号圈出来。abab aba 二 听辩单词,将听到的单词的字母编号写在括号里。1.a.fun b.funny c.fan 2.a.ball b.all c.tall 3.a.w...