人教PEP版 三年级英语下册第五单元测试题

发布 2020-10-18 01:28:28 阅读 3913

六。 请根据**提示,把下列单词补充完整。(每小题1 分,共6分)

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)1. a. ballb. dollc. taxi

)2. a. busb. pencilc. car

)3. b. rabbit c. zebra

)4. a. crayon b. father c. mother

)5. a. chair b. hot dog c. desk


ab )1. do you like oranges?a. i am from america.

)2. who’s that man? b. no problem.

)3. where is my crayon ? c. he is my grandpa.

)4. where are you from! d. yes, i like them very much.

)5. can i use you ruler? e. under your chair.


we are go to school in the morningthe monkey has a long tail.

happy women’s daythe rabbit likes apples.


) 1. where is my crayon?

a. 我的蜡笔在**? b. 好漂亮的蜡笔哦!

) 2. this is mike.

a. 他是麦克b. 这位是麦克。

) 3. can i use your pencil?

a. 我可以用你的铅笔吗? b. 我可以吃些水果吗?

) 4. let’s go to the zoo!

a. 让我们画画吧。 b. 让我们去动物园吧。

) 5. here you are。

a. 这是你的b. 给你吧。


)1. 打断别人说话、做事情时,要说:

a. i’m me.

)2. “look out!”是提醒别人“小心!”,它的近义词是:

a. see youb. watch out!

)3. “去公园”可以说:

a. let’s go to schoolb. let’s go to the park.


a. on, under, inb. in, on, under

a. welcome! b. nice to see you!


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