
发布 2020-10-18 01:29:28 阅读 6235

一、 读单词,画线部分读音相同的打“√”读音不同的则打“×”

1、apple canada2、ball dad3、he she (

4、car cap5、desk seven6、long so (

7、big thin8、student pupil( )

9、orange box10、under duck (


) 1. the old(年龄大的is my grandpa.

a. man b. woman c. mom

) 2. how many

a. a banana b. banana c. bananas

) 3. he __my friend.

a. amb. is c. are

) 4. look at the elephant. it __a long nose and a short tail.

a. h**e b. has c. /

) 5. -who’s that womanmy mother.

a. he’s b. she c. she’s

) 6. -is he your fatherhe’s my teacher.

a. no, he isn’t. b. yes, he is. c. no, he is.

) 7. -where is my car

a. is here. b. no, it isn’t. c. it’s under the desk.

) 8. -do you like watermelonsi like apples.

a. yes, i do. b. no, i don’t. c. yes, i don’t.

) 9beautiful.

a. look at meb. thank you.

) 10.--let’s play a game

a. where is my book? b. it’s on the desk. c. great.




( 1. do you like bananas?(作肯定回答)

i do. b. no, i don’t.

) 2. h**e some fruit.(英译汉)

a. 水果在哪儿? b.吃些水果。

) like oranges.(变为否定句)

a. i’m not like orange. don’t like oranges.

) 4. 喝些牛奶吧。(汉译英)

a. h**e some milk. b. h**e some fruit.

) 5. i like apples.(变为一般疑问句)

a. do i like apples? b. do you like apples?

四 、读一读,排一排,把好朋友连起来。

) thanks. i like grapes.

3、米饭里面的主要成分是淀粉。米饭淀粉遇到碘酒,颜色变成蓝色,这种蓝色物质是一种不同于米饭和淀粉的新物质。( here you are.

8、晶体的形状多种多样,但都很有规则。有的是立方体,有的像金字塔,有的像一簇簇的针……有的晶体较大,肉眼可见,有的较小,要在放大镜或显微镜下才能看见。( thank you.

) h**e some grapes.

) sorry. i don’t like grapes. can i h**e some bananas?


答:当地球运行到月球和太阳的中间,如果地球挡住了太阳射向月球的光,便发生月食。( 1. where is my boats? _

3、你知道月食的形成过程吗a b c

) 2. look in the map

a b c答:当地球运行到月球和太阳的中间,如果地球挡住了太阳射向月球的光,便发生月食。( 3. i like watermelons. me, neither

a b c6、重新使用是指多次或用另一种方法来使用已用过的物品,它也是减少垃圾的重要方法。( 4. is it you pen? _

a b c12、淡水在自来水厂中除了沉淀和过滤之外,还要加入药物进行灭菌处理,这样才能符合我们使用的标准5. do you like pear

a b c


一 读句子,选出各自所喜欢的水果。you like apples,sarah?yes,i do.you like pears?don t i like bananas.ababyou like oranges?yes,i do.4.do you like grapes?no,i don t.i li...


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