
发布 2020-10-12 15:05:28 阅读 9615

译林英语五年级下册unit1 cinderella单元练习题。


1prince fit2. (why worry

3push mushroom 4. (late rabbit

5pick like6. (dress drink


) a. i b. ec. y

) a. ei b. o

) e a. or

三、按要求写词10分x k b 1 . c o m

1. cinderella(所有格2. happy (反义词)__

3. don’t(完整形式4. shoe (复数。

5. before (反义词6. h**e (三单。

7. try (三单8. put on (反义词组。

9. they (宾格10. mushroom(复数。

四、英汉互译。11分新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网。

1. 脱下2. le**e a shoe behind

some snacks4. look so tired

5. 试穿6. 吃他们。


9.回来10 le**e……behind


1. a fairyhelp) the girl.

2. don’ttake) off your coat.

3. letwe) go and h**e a look.

4. the shoes don’tfit) me.

5. do you likeread) news*****?

6. do youunderstand) that story?

7. whoh**e) to go back now?

8. shecome) andvisit) every house.

9. i don’t h**esome) new clothes.

六、句子匹配 8分 http://w ww .x k b1. com

)1. why are you so sad ? thank you.

) are my gloves ? i do.

) you h**e any cakes ? i can’t go to the party.

) does sam go to school? are on the bed.

) does mike h**e? goes to school on foot.

) i go to school on foot ? you can’t.

) do you has a pot.

) he an read stories at home

七、用所给单词的适当形式填空 12分。

1. letwe) go and h**e a look.

2. the shoes don’tfit) me.

3. whoh**e) to go back now?

4. shecome) andvisit) every house.

5. i don’t h**esome) new clothes.


)1. lethelp you.

a. herb. i c. my

)2. -do you h**enice clothesshoes? -no, i don’t.

a. some,and b. any, and c. any, or

)3do you like doing? -i like___pictures.

drawing b. what, draw c. who, drawing

)4you feel happy? -yes.

a. areb. do c. h**e

)5.-why can’t we eat these sweets? -because they’re bad __our teeth.

a. atb. for c. to

a. what b. whyc. how

) a party __thehouse.

a. at , prince b. on , prince’s c. at , prince’s

( )go now.

a. put on b. try onc. h**e to

) on the t-shirt but it __fit.

a. try , doesn’t b. trys , don’t c. tries, doesn’t

( )9. this pair of shoes is beautiful. cinderella tries

a. them onb. on them c. it on

)10. there___a glass of water and three bottles of milk on the table.

a. are



there is a __at thehouse.


many girlsthe shoe. x k b om


because these mushroomsfor us !

4.现在我不得不不走了。 i __to __now.


please comeeleven o’clock.


姓名学号等第。一 积累与运用。1看拼音写词语。baoguoranshaoxiangshangyuanyoumubuzhuanjing 2用 划去括号中不正确的字或读音。排 泻泄 杰截 出广 范泛 轻 纱沙 镀 金宛 然一刹 那。3在括号里填上合适的词语。的夕照 的湖水 的杰作 的群山。地游动 地消失...


1.把0.56扩大10倍是 扩大100倍是 2.590缩小 倍是5.9 缩小10倍是7.85。3.把4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8改写成乘法算式是。4.小数四则运算顺序跟整数是 5.两数相乘,先移动固数的小数点使它变成 再看固数中一只有几位小数,就把积的小数总何 移动几位。在 里填上 或 填...


一 积累运用。1 看拼音,写汉字。意 想 奔。心潮澎 蛇摇。2 给带点的字选正确的读音。3分 陡峭 光晕 果实累累 对峙 倚靠 伫立 3 先补充词语再解释所填的字。6分 前 后继然相异。闻名 迩空飞降。阴雨连江而上。4 按要求写句子。5分 1 上面画着九匹骏马,有的默默地伫立,有的悠闲地嚼草,有的扬...