
发布 2020-10-12 04:15:28 阅读 1942


听力部分 40%

一. 听录音,编号。(10%)



先生老师。二. 听录音,选出你听到的一项。(10%)

1. (a short b shirt

2 ( a tall b ball

3. (a thin b this

4 ( a miss b mr

5( )a break b black

6 ( a english b science

7 ( a is he strict? b is she smart?

8 ( a yes, she is. b yes, he is.

9 ( a what is your father like? b where is he from?

10 ( a who’s that lady? b whose bag is it?

三. 听录音,选出所听到的问题的最佳答语。(10%)

1.( a yes, she is. b yes, he is.

2.( a. mr zhao. b he’s funny.

3. (a he’s from canada. b. he’s wang tao.

4. (a she’s thin. b yes, she is.

5. (a. yes, she is quite. b no, she is quite.

四.听录音, 填空(10%)

1is your mathlike?

he isand __

2is she? oh,__is my mother.

story(故事) isbut it’s very __

4. our principal is __but she is


五. 找出不同类的一个。(5%)

1( )a young b old c ball

2. (a funny b fun c strong

3. (a what b who c water

4 ( a china b chinese c english

5. (a woman b lady c man

六。 填入所缺字母,完成单词并写出中文。(12%)

① t __llf __nny

k __nds tr__ct (

5 sm__ t6 act _ ve

7 st__dent8 pr__ncipal( )

七. 把问题和答语对应起来。(5%)

( )who’s that man? a、 he’s from china.

( )what’s he like? b、he’s my teacher.

( )where’s he from? c、no, she is old.

is miss wang young? d、 he’s short and thin.

is mr wang young? e、 no, he is old.


十二 miss * he谁。

但是 twenty * she **。

二十 butwho 什么。

小姐 twelve * what 他。

校长 principal * where 她。


)1.look at the man ,he is __

a strong b a strong c science 】

)2.what’s he like? _thin and short.

a. she’s b. he’s c. his】

)3.this is __university student..

a an b a c 不填】

)4.__funny? yes, she is.

a is he b who’s c is she 】

)5.1. who’s __math teacher?

a. your b. i c. you】


1. what he is like(?)

2. he tall strong is and (.

3. that is young who man (?

4. is our principal kind very(.)

5. classes what like you do (?


1. (谁是你的新的语文老师?)

___is your __chinese

2.她长得怎么样? 哦,她又高又瘦。

___she like ? oh, she is __and


is heyes, and he is very __

十二。 读短文,判断正误。(5%)


hello, my name is john. i h**e ,art and english

on tuesday(星期二).it’s my f**ourite day. i like

english. look,that is my math teacher. he’s very kind.

his name is li hai. i like beef very much, but i don’t

like apples. i like bananas, too.

1( )john has and computer on tuesday.

2( )john’s f**ourite day is monday.

3( )mr li is john’s english teacher.

4( )john likes apple very much.

5( )john’s math teacher is short and kind.


2013 2014第一学期。学校年级班得分。听力部分 30分。一 听音,写出下列各句的顺序。10分 i know.he s my father.what s he like?mr carter.he s from canada.he s tall and strong.he s very funny...


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