
发布 2020-10-12 04:14:28 阅读 3190



听力部分 30分。


i know. he’s my father.

what’s he like?

mr carter. he’s from canada.

he’s tall and strong. he’s very funny.

who’s your english teacher?


1. (a short b shirt2 ( a tall b ball

3. (a thin b this4 ( a miss b mr

5( )a break b black6 ( a english b science

7 ( a is he strict? b is she smart? 8 ( a yes, she is. b yes, he is.

9 ( a what is your father like? b where is he from?

10 ( a who’s that ladyb whose bag is it?

三.听读音, 填空(10分)

1is your mathlike? he isand __

2is she? oh,__is my mother.

3. the story(故事) isbut it’s very __

4. our principal is __but she is



1. sm__ rt2. s tr ct3. act ve

4. k l l


1、old2、tall: 3、quiet 4、big 5、strong

三. 根据汉语提示完成句子。(8分)


is your __chinese teacher ?

2、她长得怎么样? 哦,她又高又瘦。

___she like ? oh, she is tall and thin.


is heyes, and he is very __

4、is your chinese teacher strict? yes

5、who’s that young man? _is your teacher.

六、 选择填空。(10分)

) 1you h**e new teachers?

a. do b. is c. are

) 2. what __he like?

a. is b. am c. are

) 3. we h**e __english teacher.

a. a b. an c. the

) 4. she’s __university student.

a. a b. an c. the

) 5. i __a new math teacher. she’s mrs white.

a. h**e b. has c. am


1.( who’s that mana、 he’s from china.

2.( what’s he likeb、he’s my teacher.

3.( where’s he fromc、no, she is old.

4.( is miss wang youngd、 he’s short and thin.

5.( is mr wang younge、 no, he is old.


1.谁是你的语文老师is your chinese teacher ?

2.他长得怎么样? 哦,他又老又矮。__he like ? oh, he is __and __

3.她和蔼吗?是的,而且她很聪明。is sheyes, and she is very __

七、 情景对话。给左边的问句选择正确的答语,把其编号写到左边的括号里。(10分)

) 1. is she stricta. mr carter.

) 2. what’s she likeb. yes, he is.

) 3. is he strongc. no, she isn’t.

) 4. what’s he liked. he’s tall.

) 5. who’s your art teacher? e. she’s beautiful.


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