
发布 2020-09-30 06:17:28 阅读 6710




1. 轮船 2. 小鸟 3. 风筝。

4. 小提 5. 足球。


)1. -what can you do ?

-i can play __basketball

a. a b. the c. /

) 2. -you can __your homework later .

a. finishing b. to finish c. finish

)3.- it’s time __home now.

a. going b. go c. to go

) 4. _fish do you h**e ?

a. how much b. how many c. how old

) 5. you are going __a party .

a. h**ing b. h**e c. to h**e

) you play __piano?

a. /b. the c. a

) 7. the girl can write and __english.

a. speaking b. say c. speak

) 8. how many kites __see ?

a. can you b. you can c. you

) 9. _can you see in the river ?

a. how b. what c. when

) 10. how __birds can you see in the sky ?

a. many b. much c. about


___together .

h**e __fish.

many __do you h**e?

can see a __lake.

you play the __


1. -what can you see?

i can see 七只小鸟。

2. -what can you see?

i can see 五只风筝

3. -what can you see?

i can see 三艘轮船。

4. –what can you see ?

i can see 六只小船。


1. can youplaypiano

2. what can play football

3. how many bird can you see

4. let’s going shopping

六按要求进行句型转换, 每空一词。

1. i can see birds in the sky. (对划线部分提问 )

___can you __in the sky?

2. i can dance. (变为一般疑问句 )


3. i can see (three) ships. (对划线部分提问 )

ships can you see?

4. can you play the piano? (做肯定回答 )

can.5. it’s 5:12 . 对划线部分提问 )

is it?

七选择正确的词语 , 将对话补全 。

a: hello, kate. _1 can you see ?

b : i can see a big river .

a : 2 in the river ?

b : 3 ships .

a :how __4 ships can you see ?

b : sorry , too many .

a : can i h**e a __5 ?

b : sure .


) 1. let’s go to the classroom. a. i can fly.

) 2. what can you do? b. ok.

) 3. what class are you in? c. me, too!

) 4. i like pe. d. i’m from china.

) 5. what time is it ? e. i’m in class 2.

) 6. where are you from? f. today is friday.

) 7. how are you ? g. it’s 6:30.

) day is today ? h. no, i can’t.

) old are you? i. fine, thank you.

) 10. can you sing? j. i am 10.



(毛巾) _t___ble(蔬菜) 3lk (牛奶) _sh(刷子) _k(讲,演讲) _te(写) _day (星期日) 日本) _da___周五) s**) _ence(科学) _中国)


is achina) boy.

timeh**e)our pe class.

thati)new pen?

namebe) robot.

going __play) football.

you make ashop)list?

manytomato) do you need?

much __be) the apples?

you __fly) a kite?


) can play___piano,but i can’t play __football.,the b./,the ,/

) class 2.

) two new students.

) english class.

) friday.

) you __the room?

clean ) need some


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