
发布 2020-09-29 16:07:28 阅读 9196



1、h**e a rest 2 、h**e a try 3 、h**e a look

2、welcome to __school.

a 、we b, ours c, english

3、how old are you

a, i’m fine ,thank you. b, i’m fine . c, i’m ok .

4、 where are you from?

a, i’m from china . b, i’m fine. c, i’m li ming .

5、this is our new teacher

a, b, hill mr c,


a, really? b, yesc, billy?


a, this isb, that’s … c, what’s this?

8we play computer games ,ok?

a, shallb, isc, are

9、henry, your father is myteacher.

a, chinab, englandc, english


a, who is it? b, come in, please. c, welcome to my home.


what are what’s this shall where

1\momis my ner friend henry.

2your name?

3you a new students?

4are you from?

5class are you in ?

6we play computer games?



a, i must go. b, play football c, coming.


a, don’t gob, don’t comec, don’t hurry.

13、time __english class.

a, forb, inc, at

15、let’s go __the classroom/.

a, andb, withc, to

15、shall we __now ?

a, play a football b, play football c, play the football

16、how __tomorrow?

a, oldb, aboutc, are

17、what’s the time __beijing?

a, inb, onc, at

18、it’s 9:00 am in beijing .but it’s __in new york.\

a, 8:00pmb,9:00amc, 10:00am

19、你喜欢吃苹果,你想问你的同伴想吃什么?你会说: i like apples.

a, how about you ? b, what about you? c, both a and b


a,how are you ? b, thank you. c, you’re welcome.

21、下列哪句与“what time is it?”意思相同——

a, what class are you in? b, what’s the time ,please? c. what’s your name ?


like go h**e play help

1\ it’s time tohome.

2\ wait a moment ! heresome cookies.

3\ what do youbilly?

4\ shall wefootball now?

5\ it’s delicious! pleaseyourself.

6to our home.


22、i like chicken and __

a, tomatoes b. tomatos c,tomato

23、what’sdinner ,mom?

a, atb. onc. for

i like sandwiches.

a,wha do you do? b, what do you like? c,what class are you in?

24、i like fish and rice

a, what about you? b. how about you ? c, both a and b.


a, excues me b. i’m sorry . c, hello!


a.put the book on the desk. b。put the umbrella on the desk


where’s where in behind on

1. amy bag?

b: it’s __the desk.

2. aare my socks?

b:are theythe door?

a: oh,yes.

3、a:where’s the pencil?

b: it’s __the pencil box.


27、、where __my socks?

a is b, are c, am

28、 where are mybilly ?

a,glasses b,glass c,a glass of

29、 are theythe chair?

a,is b,are c, am

they’re on your head.

a, where’s my hat?

b,where are my glasses?

c,where’s my book?


用where’s where are it’s they’re填空。

1the bus stop?

2my umbrellas?

3\__under the desk.

4\oh,my toy carsbehind the door.


30、he’s not there.

a:我在这呢! b,他没在那儿。

31、he’sthe garden.

a, at b, on c, in

32、are you behind the treei’m under the chair.

a . no, i’m not. b. yes, i am c. both a and b

33、i’m herethe closet.

a . at b. in c. for


a . let’s play ping-pong. b. let’s play hide-and-seek


are is i’m he’s they’re

1you under the bed?

2it behind the door?

3\where’s dad, henry?

___still in bed.

4\where are you ,billy?

here,in the closet.

5\where are my pants(裤子)

___on the chair.


1,where’s my hat?

where’s my我的书哪去了?)


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