
发布 2023-01-18 19:29:28 阅读 7046


2. 常用介词词组:

1) 介词:in, on, under, beside, behind, near, above, to, at, by, between…

2) 固定搭配:?listen to…

三、句型。1. 涉及的相关句型:略。。。详细见笔记!


2)to do 句型的第三人称单数形式的一般疑问句及其回答。

3)there be句型2. 常用介词词组:

1) 介词:in, on, under, beside, behind, near, above, to, at, by, between…

2) 固定搭配:?listen to…

4) to be 句型的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及其回答。

5) 祈使句。



how many children in class 4a h**e dogs?

three children in class 4a h**e dogs.

one child in class 4a has dogs.

2)区别动词在can 的句型中和现在进行时中的不同用法:

i can write. look! i am writing.


what’s the weather like in january?

in january it’s cloudy, windy, cold and dry.

3. 特殊疑问代词和用法。


问拥有的物品:what …h**e/has… got?

问**:how much …?

问时间:what time…?

问天气:what’s the weather like…?

问数量:how many …?



4. 能用掌握的句型进行问答:略。。。详细见笔记!

eg: whose …is this/are these?

h**e you got a pet? what h**e/has … got?

what is it? what’s its name? what colour is it?

beside the …,there is a/an …

what time is it?

how much are these cars?

how many children in class 4a h**e pets?

what are you doing? where are you?

what’s the weather like in …?

四、语音。1. 本册涉及的语音(辅音的字母组合的发音):


a. branch b. bench c. beach

听力文字:the bench is between the tree and the pond.


主要句型: to be句型:注意be(动词am, is ,are)的用法,看清主语是单数(am, is)还是复数(are)

to h**e句型: 注意看清楚拥有的主人,详见下表。


like 句型:注意碰到第三人称单数时要用likes,主要句型结构如下。

注意:like后面如果是可数名词必须跟复数形式,如(i like dogs best.)还有如果是动词,必须是like to do或者 like doing。

如(i like reading books./ i like to read books.)

there be句型:

. there be 句型和to h**e句型的区别:there be 句型表示“存在”的有,一般用于什么地方有什么东西,而to h**e句型表示“拥有”,一般用于人物或者动物拥有什么东西。

. there be 句型中的be动词究竟是用is 还是are,取决于离be动词最近的东西,不能忘了就近原则,这和to be句型不一样。

there is a desk and two chairs in my room. (a desk and two chairs are in my room.)

there are ten children in the playground.


there is some butter on the bread.

there are some biscuits in the packet.

在碰到有量词(如packet, pair, bottle, piece)等时,我们看得是量词的单复数,而不是后面的东西。

there is a packet of sweets in my bag. (虽然后面sweets是复数)

there are two bottles of water in my fridge. (虽然后面water 是不可数名词)

. there be 句型中some只能用于肯定句,any用于否定句和一般疑问句。

. 在对there be 句型提问时,如果划线部分是数量,就用。

how many (名词复数) are there (地点)? 不管划线的部分是单数还是复数);如果是对数量和物品一起提问时,必须用what is(地点) ?的句型,不管划线的是单数还是复数。


there is an apple in the basket. (划线提问)--how many apples are there in the basket?

there are many birds in the **iary. (划线提问)--what is in the **iary?

. 注意there is/ are 和it is / they are的区别。只有在回答what is(what’s) (地点)?

这样问句是才用there is/ are …来回答。而在回答what is it/this/that (地点)?或者what are they/these/those(地点)?

时,一律用it is/they are 来回答。试比较:what are those under the tree?

they are horses. what is under the tree? there are some horses.


以动词原形,please或者是don’t开头的句子,注意这些句子是表达命令或者要求的。如bring me a bowl, please. please open the door.

don’t turn off the light.等。这些句子是没有主语的,所以全都用动词原形。


四年级英语句型难点梳理。2.常用介词词组 1 介词 in,on,under,beside,behind,near,above,to,at,by,between 2 固定搭配 listen to 三 句型。1.涉及的相关句型 略。详细见笔记!1 can的一般疑问句。2 to do 句型的第三人称单数形...


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