
发布 2020-09-29 20:39:28 阅读 5598






)1、 a、 window b、 blackboard c、 black

)2、 a、 her b、 you c、 his

)3、 a、 candy b、cake c、cat

)4 、a、 thin b、 strong c、 long

)5、a、 teacher b、 student c、 school


)1、 in the classroom ? many desks and chairs.

a、what b、what’s c、where

)2go and see .

a、let is b、let’s c、let

)3、what’s name ? her name is amy .

a、she b、her c、his

)4、look ! this is a tv. it’s

a、a black b、black c、a big

)5、let clean the blackboard .

a、i b、me c、we

)6quiet .

a、she has b、she c、she’s

)7、i h**e new english book .

a、an b、a c、the

)8、 is it ? it’s black .

a、where b、what c、what colour

)9、ia new friend .

a、has b、is c、h**e

)10、what’s this ? it’s eraser .

a、a b、an c、the


)1、he’s tall .

a、fat b、short c、strong

)2、he’s a good boy .

a、teacher b、student c、girl

)3、her name is lucy .

a、his b、my c、your

)4、this cat is small .

a、big b、long c、fat

)5、my pen is black .

a、yellow b、white c、green


)1、a new classrooma、在你的书包里。

)2、in your schoolbagb、一只胖熊猫。

)3、a fat pandac、在门旁边。

)4、near the doord、蓝白色的。

)5、blue and whitee、一间新教室。



a、let me clean the classroom .

b、let’s clean the classroom .

c、let’s clean the window .


a、i h**e a pen .

b、i lost my pen .

c、i lost my pencil .


a、my friend is cute and friendly .

b、my friend is quiet and cute .

c、my friend is quiet and friendly .


1、clean let’s classroom the

2、colour is what it

3、tall strong he’s and


i h**e a name is is is a from is has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black likes english very likes chinese ,math ,singing and dancing, and i are in class are good friends.

)1、wangchen is a boy.

)2、she is twelve.

)3、she is from shanghai.

)4、she has a big mouth.

)5、she likes english very much.


葛店二小四年级上册英语期中试卷。一 用手写体抄写下列单词并写出其汉语意思。10分 board music friend fan computer 二 选出一个与其它三个不属于同一类的词,将序号填入题前的括号里。10分 1.a.thirty b.fifty c.four d.too 2.a.math ...


根据汉语提示,补全单词。10分,每小题2分 1.图画p ct re2.计算机c mp ter3.书包sch lbag 4.强壮的str g 5.鞋sh e 按要求写单词。10分,每小题2分 反义词。完全形式。反义词。复数。物主代词。选出与划线词不同类的单词。10分,每小题2分 选择题。20分,每小题...


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