
发布 2020-09-29 12:44:28 阅读 9828


一、按要求写词 (5分)



3.他的短裤 class

5.合上你们的书6. go home by bus

7.起立 a dog for me

9.七件毛衣 tired


1.( his jacket is too big, and my jacket is too .

a. bigb. tallc. small

2.( what would you likea toy car.

a. i likeb. i’d am

3my storybook?

it’s over there.

a. who’sb. where’sc. what’s

4.( your two pens __on the desk.

a. 5look at nancydress is pretty.

a. sheb. herc. his

6.( happyday!

a. teachersb. teachersc. teacher’s

7a bookmark for you.

a. thisb. here’sc. this’s

8.( whose shoes __mike?

a. is itb. are theyc. they are

9this pair of jeans too long.

a. is b. not

10what’s the time

a. sorry, i don’t know b. at seven. c. in seven.

11where are you, wang bing

a. he’s in the study. b. i’m in the kitchen. c. she’s here.

12shall we do the puzzle

a. at allc. that’s all right

13.( do you like

a. puppetb. balloonsc. a ruler

14.( this is __father. _is a teacher.

a .his, sheb. her, hec. my, his

15what’s the matter

illb. i’m you

四、对话匹配 (5分)

五、将a b c d 选项中的错误选出来,并订正在横线上。(5分)

)1who’s skirt is this

ab c )2do you like monkeys? -yes , i like .

abc d )3is this your cap ? no, it’s su hai.

a bc d

)4they’re my father’s shoes , it’s so big.

ab c d

)5the pair of shorts are so long

ab c 六、连词成句。(5分)

that, classroom, what’s, the (?

your, perhaps, study, in, storybook ,is (.

bus, shall, the, to, by, zoo, we (?for, here, of, is, glass, water, you

i at thirty to seven go school morning in





miss li, _isu yang ?

3.这个用英语怎么说? 是一个风筝。

___thisit’s a __




___theinall right.


this pair of shoes


___helen and mike? perhapsin the classroom.


a: w___scarf i___this? b: p___i___nancy’s.

a: w___is nancyb: s___i___the computer room.

a: oh, yes. nancy. h___your scarf. c: t __you.

a: n___at all.


d**id: what’s the time, mum?

mum: it’s seven thirty.

d**id: oh, i ’m late!

mum: don’t worry, d**id. today is sunday(星期天).

d**id: i see. but i will(将要) go to the zoo with my friends.

mum: what time do you go there?

d**id: at eight o’clock.


姓名班级学号。听力部分 一 找出句中所提到的人或物,填序号 听两遍,可多选 每小题2分,共10分 1.abcd.2.abcd.3.abcd.4.abcd.5.abcd.二 判断所听内容是否与图相符,用 或 表示 听两遍 每小题1分,共8分 三 听录音,根据所给情景找句子 听两遍 每小题1分,共6分 ...


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