
发布 2020-09-29 05:18:28 阅读 3890



一、听录音,圈出与录音内容相符的**下面的字母。 (10分)

aa ba ba b

a ba ba b

a bab

a bab二、听录音,选出最佳答案,把该答题前面的编号写在括号里。(10分)

) 1. a. it’s the library. b. yes, it is. c. it’s on the second floor.

)2、a. it’s eight yuan. b. they’re eight yuan. c. they’re eight.

)3、a. yes, you can’t. b. yes, you can. c. no, you can’t.

)4、a. it’s mike. b. it’s mike’s. c. they’re mike’s.

)5、a. it’s ten yuan. b. they are cheap. c. they’re expensive.


四、听录音,判断下面句子的正误,符的打“ √不符的打“×”共10分)

) 1. my uncle has a small farm.

( )2. there are four hens. the hens are fat

( )3. there are 20 horses at the farm.

( )4. i can milk the cows and feed the hens there.

) 5. the cucumbers are not fresh.


) can wear her t-shirt.

) s time for music class.

) is eight.

) boots are sixty-five yuan.

) likes green and red.


)1、 a. duck b. but c. student

)2、 a. rabbit b. carrot c. cake

)3、 a .fresh b. these c. leg

)4、 a. onion b. dog c. hot

)5、 a. ice b. pig c. big


) go to the __and play football.

a. canteen b. playground c. the teacher’s office

( )is __desk and that is___desk

) the matter __you?

) 4. is there a teacher’s deskno

a. there is b. they isn’t c. there isn’t

)5. it’s prettyit ?

a are b is c isn’t

)6、how many are there?

a. goose b. gooses c. geese

) 7. the weather like in dongying?

a. whose b. where c what’s

a. isb. arec. am

) 8is this sweater? it’s sarah’s.

a. where b. whose c. what

)9i h**e a cold.

a. what do you h**e? b. what’s the matter with you?

c. how many cold do you h**e?

( )10thirty-five yuan. we’ll take

a. those, them b. they’re, them c. it’s them

三、找出左栏中每个句子的答语,并把它的字母编号写在左边的括号中。( 5分)

) 1 can i help youa. yes , it does .

) 2 is it all rightb. yes , please.

) 3 whose dresses are thosec no , it isn’t .

) 4 are there any flowers on the table ? d they’re my sister’s .

) 5 does the shirt fit youe no , there aren’t .


the hens. b. put on your in your room.

a lamb d. time for jump and run.

for dinner,eat some rice.

f. put on your boots .splash in the puddles.

off your jacketh. put away your sweater.

snowy,put on your boots. j. it’s your raincoat.


mike: mom, what’s the weather like today?

mommike: can i wear my t-shirt

mommike: where’s my t-shirt

mommike: no.

mom: what colour is it?



一 选出不同类的单词。1 a.hen b.cow c.goat d.fat 2 a.rainy b.windy c.cloudy d.hello 3 b.shirt c.dress d.jacket 4 c.two d.thirty 5 room ro...


语音 er tiger sister water computer dinner 老虎姐妹水计算机晚餐。ir bird girl shirt skirt first 鸟女孩衬衫短裙第一。ur nurse hamburger hurt turn 汉堡伤害转动。ar arm carcard scarf ...


听力部分。一 根据录音内容,圈出与录音相符合的 字母 10分 a ba ba b a bab二 根据录音内容,判断下面各图是否与录音内容相符,相符的在该 下面的括号里打 不符的打 10分 三 根据录音内容,选词填空,将句子补充完整。每格一词,10分 1 what s the weather like...