
发布 2020-09-29 05:16:28 阅读 1074



nameclass class 1, grade 4 point


二、读一读下列单词,选出每组中不同类的单词。(每题1分,共10分 )

1. (a. sheep b. cheap c. lamb d. hen

2. (a. eleven b. thirteen c. fifteen d. fresh

3. (a. cloudy b. socks c. sunny d. warm

4. (a. lunch b. dinner c. breakfast d. carrot

5. (a. classroom room c. washroom d. boot

6. (a. shoes b. pants c. socks d. wear

7. (a. red b. colourful c. green d. white

8. (a. orange b. apple d. hamburger

9. (a. dress b. shirtc. skirt d. red

10. (a. big b. small c. long d. cow


a) 根据汉语意思写出英语单词。



b) 根据英语单词写出汉语意思。

1. red 4. green



) time is ita、it’s cool.

) i help youb、i want some bananas.

) the weather like therec、it’s blue.

) many sheep are thered、it’s nine o’clock.

) colour is ite、twelve.


1. welcome to our !

a. schoolb. homework c. students.

2. what time is it? it’s .

a. 8b. 8 o’clockc. clock’s 8

3. is that your sweater? .

a. no,it is. b. yes,it isc. yes,it is not.

4. what’s the weather like today? .

a. it’s sunny b. goc. close

5. how much is this dress

a. prettyb. too expensive c. 99yuan

6is the computer room?

---it’s on the first floor.

a. whatb. wherec. how

7. is that the washroom?

a. no, it isb. yes, it isc. yes, it isn’t.

8. 纽约现在是几点钟?

a. what time is itb. what time is it in new yorkc. what time is it in xinyu?

9. 你在干什么?

a. what are you doingb. how do you do?

10. it is warm today. let’s play football.

a. 今天很热。让我们踢足球吧。 b. 今天很暖和。让我们踢足球吧。


a. where b. weather c. how many d. pretty e. want

1、good morning. this is thereport.

it’s cool in lhasa.

2is my skirt?

it’s on your bed.

3cows do you h**e?

one hundred.

4、can i help you?

yes. ia pair of sneakers.

5、look at that dress. it’s


get up lunch english class go home go to school

1. it is 6:30 o’clock. it is time to

2. it is 7:30 o’clock. it is time to

3. it is 8:00 o’clock. it is time for

4. it is 12:00 o’clock. it is time for

5. it is 16:30 o’clock. it is time to

八、 将右栏答语前的序号填在左栏前的括号内。(每题2分,共10分)

) much is ita. it’s one yuan.

) much are theyb. it’s red.

) colour is itc. size 5.

) sized. it’s hot today.

) the weather like todaye. they are three yuan.

九、 连词组句,注意大小写,标点符号。 (每题2分,共10分)

1. is it ? much how

2. they are ? much how

3. i help ? you can

4. yuan sixis it

5. very pretty . it is


amy: hello! this is amy.

mike: hi, amy. this is mike. it’s warm today. we are at a farm.


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