牛津英语四年级期末测试卷 1

发布 2023-01-19 03:21:28 阅读 9853



i. 根据划线部分字母的读音,将所给单词填写到相应的横线上:(10’)

1. blue___2. clothes___3. shop___4. flower___5. plate___

ii. 看图或汉字,补全单词:(10’)

1. v__ lin 2. f__ day 3. pl__ t 4. z__ 5. j__ e

iii. 选择填空:(10’)

) plays basketball___tuesday afternoon. a. inb. atc. on

) father likesa. running b. run c. runs

) this? it’s___grape. it’s sour. a. anb. a c. the

)4.__it a toy dog? no,it isn’ta. am b. are c. is

) yes,i___

) it’ssour.


a. look…listen

)10. when is the children’s day? -it’s __june 1st.

a. on b. in c. at

iv. 情景交际:(10’)


new year! children’ s day! christmas!


the weather today? are you today? your name?


colour is time is it now?


a. sorryb. sure, i like playing football. me.

)5. 现在是9:15. 我们可以用英语表达为___

a. half past nine b. a quarter past nine c. a quarter to nine

v. 阅读电子邮件,判断正(t)误(f):(10’)

form: amy

to: jill

subject: a busy(忙碌的) week!

hi jill,how are you?

i’m busy every week. i go to school from monday to friday. we h**e some classes in school, such as chinese, english, music and pe.

i like english and music. i h**e chinese every day. i don’t like it.

i think chinese is hard. at the weekend, i play tennis. i’m very happy.


amy )1. the e-mail is from jill2. amy has a busy every week.

)3. amy likes english and music4. amy has chinese every day

)5. amy plays tennis on wednesday.

vi. 用单词适当形式填空:(10’)

1. kittygo ) to school at 7:00 o’clock.

2. the sunrise ) in the morning, the shadow is long.

3. let’stell ) alice about the football club.

4. does peter likeplay ) the piano?

5. there are manymouse ) in the city.

vii. 根据要求写出下列单词的相应形式:(10’)

1. chinese(国家名称2. go(第三人称单数形式。

3. beautiful (反义词4. does not(缩写形式。

5. leaf(复数6. jul.(完全形式。

7. son(同音词8. noon(换一个字母变新词。

9. child(复数10. thick(反义词。

viii. 请按要求完成下列各题:(10’)

is a plant in my garden.(改为复数形式。

subjects do you like?(请根据实际回答。

the ugly duckling swim behind the mother duck?(肯定回答。

tom’s guitar.(对划线部分提问。

5. in australia, christmas, in summer, is(连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写)

阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符用t,不符的用f。(10’) inspringit’swarm 有时).idon’tlikerainydaysinwinter.

x. 选出不同类的单词。(10’)

) b、cinema c、museum

) b、swan c、duck


笔试部分 70分 一 按要求写词 5分 二 中英文互译。10分 1.在11点402.试穿短裙。3.他的短裤 class 5.合上你们的书6.go home by bus 7.起立 a dog for me 9.七件毛衣 tired 三 选择。15分 1.his jacket is too big,a...

牛津小学英语四年级 4A 期中测试卷

牛津小学英语四年级 4a 期中测试卷 units1 5 class name mark 同学们,四年级的上半学期已经过去了哦,你学得怎么样?一起来试着检测一下自己吧!注意读题一定要细心哦!祝你成功!一 你能将你所听到内容的序号填在括号里吗?听两遍哦!二 你能根据所听的内容给下列图标号吗?三 你能根据...


姓名 班级 分数 一 circle the right answers 圈出正确的答案。10分 1 七十 a seven b seventeen c seventy 2 糟糕的 a pity b early c awful 3 更喜欢 a like b prefer c f orite 4 地铁 a...