英教版四年级英语测试卷 1

发布 2023-01-19 03:22:28 阅读 1163


unit 1 单元检测题。

part ⅰ listening

.listen and choose(听录音,选择与录音相符的选项)(10分)

) 1. abc.

) 2. abc.

) 3. abc.

) 4. abc.

) 5. abc.

) 6. abc.

) 7. abc.

) 8. ab. c.

9 . a. 星期三b. 星期二c. 星期四。

( )10. a. 二月b. 八月c. 十一月。

listen and choose( 听录音,选择所听到的单词)(10分)

( )1. a. britain b. canada c. america

2. a. shorts b. sweater c. jacket

3. a. autumnb. springc. winter

4. monday c. saturday

5. a. blackboard b. classroom c. basketball

6. a. hundredb. trousersc. playground

7. a. januaryb. junec. september

8. a. hotb. coldc. cool

9. a. twentyb. ninetyc. forty

10. a. computer

listen and number(听录音,将钟表标序号)(8分)

listen and judge(听录音,判断**与录音是“√ 否“× 相符) (10分)

listen and match(听录音,将每项活动与其进行的时间连线)(10分)

listen and match (听录音,将栏问句和栏答语相对应)(4分)

h**e you got a school uniforma. yes, i h**e to.

what’s your uniform likeb. no, i don’t. it’s boring.

do you like the uniformc. yes, we wear it to school.

do you wear your uniform every dayd. it is a blue shirt, a green jacket and

brown trousers.

part ⅱ writing

.look, match and write(将单词或短语与**相对应,并规范地抄写在相应**下的四线格内) (8分)

watch get upgo to school do sport

clock do homework go to bed library

look, read and match.(将钟表上的时间与其相应的英语表达对应)(12分)

( )it’s twelve o’clockit’s half past six.

( )it’s half past nineit’s seven o’clock.

( )it’s half past fourit’s eleven o’clock.

read and draw.(读句子,在对应的钟表上画出时间)(8分)

1. it’s half past four2. it’s nine o’clock.

3. it’s seven o’clock4. it’s half past ten.

look, read and judge.(看图,读句子,判断句子正“yes”误“ no”。)12分)

1. there is a board in the picture.

2. there is a big dog under the board.

are two fish on the board.

4. there are three children behind the board.

is a pencil in sophie’s pocket.

6. sophie is in front of the board.

read and draw.(阅读短文,在图中的钟表上画出相应的时间)(8分)

this is toby’s room. toby has

got two watches. one is on the

floor, the other is on a chair. it’s

three o’clock on the watch under

the table. it’s half past three on

the watch on the chair.

there are two clocks in toby’s

room, too. it’s half past two on

the clock on the table. it’s four

o’clock on the clock in the box.


2011 2012学年度四年级第二学期英语期中试卷。班级姓名总分。选择填空,补全单词。10分 a.f b.i c.a 2.ch dren a.il c.al y b.ar 4.n n ty e,i ty a.eigh ty a.or b.ou c.ur ty rth a.or b.ou c.ur c...


绝密 启用前。冀教版2017 2018学年第一学期期末试卷 四年级英语。一 按顺序写出五个元音字母的大小写形式 每题1分,共5分 二 连连看 每题1分,共10分 door商店red星期日。homework 门sunday library 家庭作业watch衬衫。light图书馆shirt听。shop...

四年级上册英语周测试卷 1

中火岭小学四年级英语周测试卷 1 班别姓名成绩。一 给下列短语选择正确的翻译。50分 straight ona.对不起,打扰一下。tob.向左转。leftc.十分,非常。med.直着走。muche.紧靠 旁边,贴近。二 情景交际。50分 1.有事打扰别人时,你应先有礼貌地说。a.excuse me....