
发布 2020-11-08 02:15:28 阅读 5527




)a. f b. i c. a()2. ch _ dren a. il c. al

)y b. ar()4. n__n__ty e,i

)_ ty a. eigh()_ty a. or b.

ou c. ur()_ty()_rth a. or b.

ou c. ur()_ch()a. o b.

n c. uⅱ.按要求完成下列各题。


反义词复数同音词同音词序数词形容词物主代词形容词序数词反义词形容词物主代词下一个月份12. five(序数词) _

13. eraser(复数14. twelfth(基数词)__15.

right(反义词16. le**es(单数)__17. in front of(反义词18.

sunny(名词)__19. cloud(形容词20. put (现在分词)__英汉搭配。


)’daya. international workers’day


)front ofc. new year’s day()4.在教室里d.

在……前面()the deske. in the classroom()6.妇女节f.


)7.国际劳动节g. spring festival()’s dayh.国庆节。

)9.春节i.在桌子下面()dayj. women’s day

.找出下列每组中与其他三个不同类的单词。(10分)()ten b.

five c. june d. eleven().

in b. on c. beside d.

rainy().sun b. snow c.

eraser d. wind().he b.

she c. you d. cat().

month b. scissors c. pencil d.

glue( )ninth b. ninety c. nineteen d.

nine( )7. a. applec.

pear d. eraser( )8. a.

rain b. sunny c. snow d.

sun( )my b. her c. his d.

it( )eighth b. seventh c. one d.


)1. how many books do i h**e __my desk?

a. in b. at c.

on d. for()what___it?- it’s a am b.

is c. are d. be()3.

nice___you again.

a. see b. to see c.

seeing d. sees()4. tuesday is the __day of the first b.

third c. second d. fifth()5.

-what __is it?-it’s time b. weather c.

date d. day()6.–what___is it?

- it’s date b. time c. day d.


)7.-_isthespringfestival?-it’ when b.

what c. how d. why()8.

he is___ping-pong in the gym.

a. to play b. play c.

playing d. plays()9. -is the weather today?

–it is what b. how c. when d.

who()10. the boy __red shorts is the by b. in c.

on d. at( )11. i am __new english you b.

your c. yours( )12. you can call .

a. i b. my

)13. can you __it?a. say b. says c. saying

)14. look! steven is drawing __his inc. on

1)5. _hot and it’s b. its c. it’s

)16.—_is betty?—she is fine.

a. whatc. how

)17. wednesday is the __day of the second b. fourth c. third

)18. it’s not __jimmys b. jimmys’’s

)19. she is a new girl___in b. on c. to

) many___are there on the desk?a. maths book b. chalkc. erasersⅵ.连词成句。(10分)1.









)1.下午你遇见mr. zhang ,你应说:

morning, mr. zhang. b.

good afternoon, mr. good-bye, mr. zhang.


a. how old are you? b.

how are you? c. how is the weather?


a. who are you? b. how are you?c. what’s your name?()4.你刚认识一位新朋友时,你应说:

a. how are you?b. thanksc. nice to meet you.()5.当你把li lei介绍给别人时,你应说:

a. hellob. fine, thanks. c. this is li leiⅷ.阅读理解。(10分)

hello! my name is lucy. i am a girl.

i am nine years old. i h**eagoodfriend. her nameis isten years old.

ilike playingping-pong. now, i am in the library. she is playing ping-pong withsteven in the gym.

)1. is lucy a boy or girl?

a. a boyb. a girlc. a dog.()2. how old is lucy?

a. nineb. tenc. eight.

)3. what’s lucy’s friend’s name?

a. tinab. stevenc. jenny()4. how old is tina?

a. nineb. tenc. six.()5. what does tina like to do?

a. she likes to play ping-pong. b. she likes to read books. likes to watch tv.


绝密 启用前。冀教版2017 2018学年第一学期期末试卷 四年级英语。一 按顺序写出五个元音字母的大小写形式 每题1分,共5分 二 连连看 每题1分,共10分 door商店red星期日。homework 门sunday library 家庭作业watch衬衫。light图书馆shirt听。shop...


想一想,填一填 每题2分,共20分 1.天气就是指一定一定内我们周围大气的变化,通常是指冷 暖 干 湿 阴 晴 雨 雪和风力风向等。2.人们大量使用煤 石油 天然气等燃料,使得空气中的二氧化碳 二氧化硫等大量增加,因而造成了和。3.把少量的水 或酒精 擦在手背上,会感觉到这是因为水 或酒精 蒸发热量...

冀教版四年级英语上册期末冲刺测试卷 二

期末冲刺测试卷 二 时间 90分钟满分 100分。姓名分数。一 根据所给中文,选择正确的字母或字母组合完成单词。分 电影院 ma b.ur c.ir 毛衣 ae b.ea c.ee 自行车 ke b.ya c.cy 看 sh b.ch c.ah 公园 ar b.on c.om 街道 ea b.ai ...