
发布 2020-09-29 22:25:28 阅读 1803

四年级下册unit 3 导学案。


am 是(用于i后) when什么时候 birthday生日。

tall高的live住;生活 too太;也。

foot脚(复 feet) on foot步行 by用;乘。


1. live in...居住在2. beside the park 在公园旁边。

3. near the cinema 在电影院旁边 4. far from ..离。远。

5. go to school 去上学6. walk to school 步行去上学。

7. by bus 乘公共汽8. by car 乘小汽车。

9. by bike 乘自行车10. on foot 步行。

11. like to...喜欢12. play ping-pong 打乒乓球。

13. fly kites with...和。放风筝14. play with one’s toys 玩玩具。

15. play computer games 玩电脑游戏。


1. -how old are you,danny? (你多大了,丹尼?)

-- i’m nineteen years old. (我19岁了。)

2. -when is your birthday? (你的生日是什么时候?)

-- my birthday is december 17. (我的生日是12月17日)

3. -how tall are you? (你多高?)

-- i’m 1.4 metres tall. (我1.4米高。)

4. -where do you live,steven? (你住在**,斯蒂芬?)

-- i live in a house beside the park.(我住在公园旁边的一所房子里。)

5. -what’s your address? (你的地址是什么?)

-- my address is 135 ninth street. (我的地址是第9大街135号。)

6. -jenny,how do you go to school? (詹妮,你怎样去上学?)

-- i go to school by bus. (我乘公共汽车去上学。)

7. -do you walk to school? (你步行去上学吗,丹尼?)

-- yes, i do. (是的,我是。)

8. -what do you like to do?(你喜欢做什么?)

-- i like to fly kites with my friends. (我喜欢和我的朋友们放风筝。)

9. -what do you like to do?(你喜欢做什么?)

-- i like to play computer games. (我喜欢玩电脑游戏。)

10. i am older than anna.(我比安娜大。)



一、 听录音标号。

二、 听录音,选择句子中所包含的单词或短语。

)1. a. by bikeb. on footc. by bus

) 2. a. toysb. ping-pongc. computer games

) 3. a. live inb. live far from c. live near

) 4. a. 1.7 metres tall b. 1.8 metres tall c. 1.9 metres tall

) 5. a. drives b. loves c. helps

三、 听录音,在正确的图下打 “

四、 听问句,选择正确的答语。

) 1. a. i’m 11years old . b. i’m 1.4 metres tall c. i’m tall.

) 2. a. she is riding a bike . b. it’s a bike . c. by bike .

) 3. a. i live in a big house . b. this is my house .

c. my address is 135 nice street .

4. a. i like kites . b. it’s a kite . c. i like to fly a kite .

) 5. a. my birthday is october 25b. today is june 18.

c. it’s friday .


五 、选出不同类的单词 (10 分)

) 1. a. oldb. tallc. by

) 2. a . schoolb. tooc. house

) 3. a. threeb. amc. are

) 4. a. bikeb. walk c. bus

) 5. a. flyb. toyc. computer

六、 单项选择(10分)

) 1do you live ?

-- i live in a house near the cinema .

a .what b . when c . where

) 2. i live beside our school . i

a .go to school by bus b . go to school by car

c . walk to school

) 3. my birthday is teachers’ day . my birthday is

a. june 1 b . september 10 c . january 1

) 4. her address is __

a. first 2 street b. 2 first street c. street 2 first

) 5. my father is 1.75 metres tall . my mother is 1.62 metres tall .

my father is __my mother is___

a . tall ; short b . short ; short c . tall ; tall

七、 选择合适的答语(10分)

( )do you livea. i’m 1.2 metres tall .

) tall are youb. it’s march 19.

) is your birthdayc. by car .

) do you go to schoold. i’m six year old.

) old are live in a house near the school.

八、 连词成句(10分)

1. do, like ,do, what , you , to

2. address, street ,135 , ninth , my, is

3. you, short, tall , are, or

4. foot, i , school , to , on, go

5. school, do, to, walk , you


a : 1b : hello , betty .

a : 2let’s go to her home .

b : okay . 3


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一 单词 1.地点 house房子,park公园,cinema电影院,restaurant餐厅。2.交通工具 bus 公交车,car小汽车,bike自行车。3.形容词 tall高的 short矮的 old老的 young年轻的。small小的 big大的 near近的 far 远的。4.原级 比较级...