五年级上英语期末测试卷 轻松夺冠冀教版 2019秋

发布 2020-11-08 02:13:28 阅读 6118







)1、a . aunt() hotel() capital cityc. canada() le**eb.

arrivec. invite() 5a. fasterb.

slowc. slower() 6a. singb.

sitc. sitting() 7a. dressb.

sweaterc. pants


) i h**e one pair of socks.()is .b.

yes, i do.()he is he walks to school.()he is .

b. he is standing.()yes, i am.

()it’s it’s in xi’an.()red .b.


.听录音,判断你所听到的句子是否与下面句子一致,一致的打“√”不一致的打“×”读两遍。(12分)()1. when do danny and jenny arrive?

) don’t sit down.

) clothes do i need?

) mother is younger than my father.()5. what does he look like?()is a map of canada..



)1、w_ st西方a、eb、nc、ou()2、c__ sin表妹。





)1、li ming is __than his grandfather.

a、olderb、youngerc、young()2、china is __country?


)3、china’s flag has

a、five pink starsb、five yellow stars

c、five red stars

)4、the is___of china.


)5、__do you go to school? .


)6、__points up on a i___shopping?


)8、let's go___the library __read a book.


)9、i don’t___to go by bus .


)10、__day is it?

a、whatb、howc、where()11、canada is far __chain..a、inb、fromc、on

)12、--your skirt is very nicea、you are ._go on trips.


)14、does he need

a、a pair of shoeb、a pair of shoesc、two shoe()15、what is jenny___now?


)16、i am __than you.

a、tallerb、tallc、short()17、--may i help you

a、sureb、yesc、no()18、what's __matter?

a、ab、amc、the()19is it?--it's 2:00.

a、whereb、what timec、what()20、wang honglikes___pants.

a、theseb、to thesec、this


my family

i h**e a happy family. my father is a police officer. he is tall.

he likes toplay basketball and checkers. my mother is a teacher. she likes to watch tvand read books.

i am a students. i am a boy . i like to play on the computer.

iam shorter than my father and my mother . we like to eat noodles. we like togo for walk after supper.

we are a happy family.()1. my father is a police office .

he is short.()father likes to play football and checkers.()3.

my mother likes to watch tv and read books.()am a students. i am a girl.

()5. i am shorterthan my mother



is my uncle, his name is i go to a hotel ? yes,you is the capital city of china.

arrive in beijing at 6:00 in the bus is slow.

ming is sitting on the is wearing a green sweater.


much for a ticket from lanzhou to baiyin? this a map of canada? he doing ?

he standing? like you hat,it’s time is it?

colour is china’s flag?

.听录音,判断你所听到的句子是否与下面句子一致,不一致的打“×”读两遍。 do danny and jenny arrive? sit down.

clothes does he need? mother is shorter than my does he look like? is a map of china.







2014 2015学年第二学期五年级英语期末试卷。一 根据汉语填入所缺的字母。10分 1 b ght 买 糖果 3 c mp t r 电脑 信封 ple 人们 题明信片 跳 p 邮票 答。l 感到 二 按要求写单词。10分 要1 woman 复数形式。不3 sit 现在分词内。5 right 对应词...

五年级上语文期中试卷 轻松夺冠 2019鄂教版

2014 2015学年度上学期期中考试。五年级语文试卷 鄂教版 学校班级姓名分数 亲爱的同学们,经过半学期的学习,你一定掌握并积累了不少的知识吧,现在就拿起你们的笔将你们的所学展示出来吧!记住,可要把字写端正,漂亮喔,祝你们都能取得满意的成绩!一 在下面字的正确读音上打 1 昨天一场瓢泼似 sh s...

五年级上语文期末测试 轻巧夺冠人教版 中心小学,无答案

人教版五年级语文上学期期末测试题。一 字词基础与语言积累。1 小小书法家 看拼音,写词语 f n fc xi ngq n lq q ch u h nhu j nn h ud n sh ng 2 下列词语注音完全正确的一组是 a 湖畔 h p n 安葬 n z ng低矮 d n i b 飞溅 f i ...