
发布 2022-05-16 00:53:28 阅读 3964






1. beef 2. farmer 3. knife

4. is this your uncle? family has six people.



)1. how many __do you h**e?

a. maths books b. maths book c. a math s book

( )2. look, he is tall __strong.

a. tob. and c. or

)3. i h**e three __two __and a __in my desk .

a. keys, toys, notebook b. key, toy, notebook c. keys, toys, notebooks

( )4. what’s __the classroom?

a. inb. under c. near

) you like some beef

a. sure. here you are. b. yes, please. c. ok

( )6. what’s his name?.

name is zhang peng.

a. meb. his c. her

( )7is the desk?—it’s in the classroom.

a. what b. where c. how

( )8. she___long hair.

a. h**e b. has c. is

( )9. can i some noodles. please?

a. like b. has c. h**e

( )10. he is tall and strong. he __black glasses.

a. h**eb. has c. is


ab ) your father’s joba. 我想要汤和面包。

) can use chopsticksb.你的爸爸是做什么的?

) they on the tablec.他们在桌子上吗?

) like some soup and bread, please. d.我会用筷子。

) yourselfe.随便吃吧。


who what how many what colour where

1would you like for dinner?

2is your book? it's on the desk.

3is your pencil? it's black.

4pens do you h**e? i h**e 5.

5is this man? he's my uncle.


)1. are they in the living room? a. he is a doctor.

)2. what’s his jobb. i’d like some fish.

)3. what’s her namec. no, they aren’t.

)4. let’s clean the window. d. her name is amy.

)5. what would you likee. ok.


( )mom, i h**e a new friend.

what’s his name?

( )is very friendly.

really? a chinese friend?

his name is zhang peng.

八、补全下列对话,将序号写在相应的横线上。( 10分)

a: what’s your sister?

b: is this the kitchen?

c: how many people are there in your family?

d: are they in the kitchen?

e: what would you like for breakfast?

amy: good morning, john. welcome to my home!

jane: wow, it’s so big

amy: there are four. my parents,my sister and me.

janeamy : she’s a teacher. .

janeamy: yes,it is

jane: i’d like some vegetables and noodles.

amy: your noodles.

jane: thank you.

where are the chopsticks?

amyjane: no! they are on the table.


1. my a is father farmer (.

2. has seven my family people(.)

3. colour is what it(?)

4. near it’s the window (.

5. job what’s aunt’s your (?

十、 阅读短文,选择答案,将编号填在题前的括号内。(10 分)


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