
发布 2020-09-29 12:41:28 阅读 8140

unit 5 my clothes part a 习题。


whose coat __this?

a. am b. isc. are

it’sa. ib. myc. mine

what colour are the __

b. shorts c. shirt


) what color is your new coat?

) whose hat is this?

) can you help me, please?

) where are my socks?

) are these yours, amy?

) whose pants are these?

a. i don’t know.

b. yes, they are.

d. it’s my sister’s.

e. yellow.

f. they’re miss white’s.

3)copy the words: clothes, hat, skirt, dress, pants.

1) 选择。

) is this your cap?

) whose hat is this?

) put away your school things.

) i like pandas.

) are these yours, amy?

) whose are these?

a. me too.

b. yes, they are.

c. ok.

d. it’s my sister’s.

e. yes, it is.

f. they’re miss white’s.


) littleleg

) unclelemon

unit 5 my clothes part a 习题。


hat, my, this, blue, is (.

my father’s, pants, are, green, these (.

these, are, yours, sarah (?

samsarahlucy __

my fatheryour sister


whoseare these?

is thisyours?

those are my

that is my

i h**e many beautiful衣服).


a. peopleb. apple c. lemon

a. likeb. little c. library

a. purpleb. table c. lunch

unit 5 my clothes part a 习题。



mom: amy, look at thatit’s

amy: yes, it is . it’s very

assistantiyou ?

mom: yesis this dress?

amy : it’syuan.

mom: that’s

amy: i like it, mom.

mom: sorry , amy . it’s

unit 5 my clothes part b 习题。


1. co___t4. sh___t.

2. s___

3. ja___et.


a: look at that___it’s __

b: yes, it is . it’s very __

c: can i help you ?

a/b: yes. i want a___that one is pretty. how much is it?

c: it’s __yuan.

a/b: that’s __i’ll take it./sorry,i don’t want it.


1. are your pants new or __new 的反义词).

2. i h**e a pair of new __short).

3. my f**orite clothes __be) shorts.

4. _who) dress is this?

5. it’s from __i) mom.

6. i like your __shoe).

7. how many __zoo)are there in your city?

8. what color __be) your pants.

unit 5 my clothes part b 习题。


1. this is her shirt.(变一般疑问句this __shirt?

2. it’s from my mom. (对划线部分提问from?

3. my shoes are new.(用old 变选择疑问句shoes new __old?

4. this is her dress.(对划线部分提问is this?

5. her f**orite colour is pink.(对划线部分提问her

6. i h**e eight apples.(对划线部分提问apples __you h**e ?

7. my sweater is purple.(对划线部分提问sweater?

8. i like a shirt. (对划线部分提问you like ?

9. do you like shorts?(做否定回答i __


unit 5 my clothes part b 习题。

一、 抄写以下单词,各五遍。

1. hat

1. pants

2. jacket

3. sweater

4. socks

二、 将汉语翻译成英语。

1. 你可以帮助我吗?

2. 这是谁的外套?

3. 我的新袜子在哪儿?

unit 5 my clothes part b 习题。

一、 根据回答,来完成问题的英语表述。



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