
发布 2023-01-19 09:18:28 阅读 2642

unit1 my classroom

一、判断下列划线部分是否相同,相同的打“√”错误的打“ ×

)1. name apple2. face make

)3. dad date4. cap cat

) 5. hate face6. hat bag


1. m _ p2. d _ r (

3. c _ k4. w _ nd

5. w _ ll6. c _ mp _ ter (

_ n8. l _ ght (


)1. a. help b. green c. blue

) b. blackboard c. classroom

)3. a. book b. big c. new

)4. a. on b. near c. no

)5. a. is b. be c. are

)6. a. i b. my c. we

)7. a. this b. where c. what

)8. a. close b. clean c. tv

)9. a. erasers b. pencil c. pen

)10. a. one b. three c. many


) is the

a. teachers’ desk b. teacher’s desk c. teacher’s desks

)2. i see __c.

a. anb. ac. the

)3in your desk? —my books.

a. what b. what’s c. what’s

)4on the tv.

a. open b. turnc. put

)5. the desks __orange.

a. isb. amc. are

) a new teacher.

a. heyb. hasc. h**e

)7. it’s __the floor.

a. onb. inc. at

)8.— let’s clean the classroom.

a. sorryb. noc. ok!

)9. let __clean the blackboard.

a. myb. ic. me


1. see , go , and , let’s (!连词成句。

2. in , what's , the , classroom (?连词成句。

3. my , i , like , school (.连词成句。

4. it , big , so , is (!连词成句。

5. it’s under the book. 【就划线部分提问】

it ?2、根据字母及**提示,将单词写在四线格中补全句子。

1、i’d like somek,a,c,e)

2、this is mya,f,c,e)

3、i h**e a newc,p,a)

4、look at them,p,a)


) hi, amy. this is zhang peng, our new classmate (同学).

) mike, we h**e a new classroom.

1 ) hello, mike.

) nice to meet you.

) wow! it’s so nice.

) nice to meet you, too.

) really? let’s go and see.


)1. it really is a beea. 打开课本。

)2. put up the pictureb. 黑板上有一只蜜蜂。

)3. the desk is near the chair. c. 打扰了。

)4. open the bookd. 它真的是一只蜜蜂。

)5. look! my ruler is on the desk. e. 我有一个鱼缸。

)6. i h**e a fish bowlf. 看,我的尺子在课桌上。

)7. there’s a bee on the blackboard. g. 张贴**。

)8. excuse meh. 课桌在椅子附近。

unit 2 my schoolbag

一、 选择和其他三个不同种类的单词。

) 1. a. in b. near c. where d. under

) 2. a. book b. classroom c. ruler d. pencil

) 3. a. yellow b. orange c. blue d. panda

) 4. a. chinese book b. english book c. storybook d. schoolbag

) 5. a. in b. near c. where d. under

) 6. a. open b. put c. let d. he**y


)1. a. like b. kite c. five d. big

) 2. a. nice b. rice c. six d. ice

) 3. a. bike b. rice c. big d. ride

) 4. a. pig b. side c. nice d. fine

) 5. a. bite b. in c. bite d. hide


1. here you are6.在你的书包下。

2. a fat panda7. 一把长的尺子

3. a new schoolbag8.三本故事书

4. so much9.蓝白相间

5. 糖果10. 打扰了


)1. i h**e___english book.

a ab anc the

)2. it’s black___white.

a orb and c to

)3. what colour___it?

a isb doc are

)4. i h**e __eraser and some___

a an;toy b a;toy c an;toys

)5.__in your desk?

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