四年级英语10 12单元

发布 2020-09-29 00:58:28 阅读 8697

四年级unit 9 how much is it?

重点课文:--can i help you? 有什么需要帮助的吗?(想要看什么?)

i want a schoolbag, please. 我想买个书包。

do you like this one? 你喜欢这么吗?

no, i like the green one. 不,我喜欢绿色的那个。

here you are. 给你。

---thank you . how much is it? 谢谢。多少钱?

it’s fifty-six yuan. 56元。

选读课文: i want a ruler, please. 我想要一把尺子。

i don’t h**e so much money. 我没有那么多钱。

what a cute dinosaur! 这个恐龙真可爱。

i like it. 我喜欢这个。

单词: how much 多少 help 帮助 want 想要 yuan 元 knife 小刀。

crayon 蜡笔 brush 画笔;刷子 ball 球 toy car 玩具车 h**e 有。

语法: 肯定句:i want我想要( )

i h**e我有( )

否定句:i don’t h**e我没有( )

买东西对话:can i help you ?

要默写) i want

do you like this one ?

yes. 或者 no,i like the (

here you are. how much is it? it’s ( yuan.

unit 9 练习题。

1. 单词听写多少﹍﹍﹍帮助﹍﹍﹍元﹍﹍﹍小刀﹍﹍﹍



2. 选择(1it is 20 yuan.

a can i help you ? b how much is it?

c do you like this one ? d where are you from?

2thank you .

a can i help you? b here you are . c it is six yuan.

3)--can i help you

a yes ,please. b i don’t h**e so much money.

c i want a netbook. d i like the green one.

4)--do you like this one

a what do you like? b what’s anne doing.

c no, i like the black one. d yes, i can.




5)有什么能帮你的吗?(你想看点什么)(6)多少钱? 15元。

四年级 unit 10 he has two feet.

重点课文:--i h**e a puppet. 我有一个布偶。

oh! that’s nice. oh,真好看。

can i play with it? 我能和它玩吗?

you are. 可以。给你。

he has two hands. he has two feet. he can walk.


选读课文: draw a big head. 画一个大头。

this is my puppet. 这是我得木偶。

how many teeth do you h**e? 你有多少颗牙?

i h**e sixteen teeth . 我有16颗牙。

let me show you . 给你看看。

your teeth are terrible. 你的牙齿真槽糕。

i’m sorry,tim. tim,对不起。

单词: foot 脚 feet foot的复数 with 同;跟 finger 手指 knee 膝盖。

puppet 布偶、木偶 teeth 牙齿 leg 腿。

语法: i h**e a puppet人称代词。

you h**e a puppet一、二人称 h**e

he/she has a puppet三人称、人名 has

unit 10 练习题

3. 单词听写多少﹍﹍﹍帮助﹍﹍﹍膝盖﹍﹍﹍小刀﹍﹍﹍球﹍﹍﹍脚﹍﹍﹍牙齿﹍﹍﹍想要﹍﹍﹍手指﹍﹍﹍不﹍﹍﹍谢谢﹍﹍﹍一把尺子﹍﹍﹍有﹍﹍﹍

4. 选择(1it is 20 yuan.

a can i help you ? b how much is it?

c do you like this one ? d where are you from?

2thank you .

a can i help you? b here you are . c it is six yuan.

3)--can i help you

a yes ,please. b i don’t h**e so much money.

c i want a netbook. d i like the green one.

4)--do you like this one

a what do you like? b what’s anne doing.

c no, i like the black one. d yes, i can.

3.翻译。 (1)你喜欢这个吗2)我喜欢红色的那件。


5)有什么能帮你的吗?(你想看点什么)(6)多少钱? 15元。


四年级 unit 11 do you h**e a ticket?

重点课文:--hurry up!we’re late. 快点!我们晚了。

do you h**e a ticket? 你又车票吗?

yes,i do我有。

your tickets,please. 请拿出你们的票。

ok好的!do you h**e a ticket? 你有车票吗?

sorry,i don’t对不起,我没有。

do you h**e his ticket? 你有他的车票吗?

no! i don’t h**e his ticket? 不,我没有。

what’s that in your sock? 你的袜子里是什么?

oh! it’s my ticketoh!是我的车票。

选读课文:where’s my ticket我的车票哪去了?

where is it哪儿去了?

语法:疑问句:--do you h**e my ticket? 你看到(有)我的票吗?


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