PEP人教版四年级英语下册 《第五单元》要点知识及练习

发布 2020-09-28 22:49:28 阅读 5480


clothes 衣服;服装pants 裤子hat (常指带檐的)帽子。

dress 连衣裙skirt 女裙coat 外衣;大衣。

sweater 毛衣sock 短袜shorts 短裤。

jacket 夹克衫shirt (尤指男士)衬衫yours 你的;你们的。

whose 谁的mine 我的pack 收拾(行李)

wait 等待。

重点句型。1. 询问某个物品是谁的,可以说:

whose 可数名词单数 is this? 这个。是谁的?

it's 人名‘s. 它是。的。

2. 询问某些物品是谁的,可以说:

whose ( 可数名词复数) are these? 这些。是谁的?

they are 人名‘s. 它们是。的。

3. 询问某物是否是对方的,可以说:

is this/that( 可数名词单数) yours/mike's ..


are these/those ( 可数名词复数) yours/mike's ..


4. 回答某物是某人的,可以说:

yes,it is/they are. 是的。

5. 回答某物不是a的,而是b的,可以说:

no,it isn't/they aren't. it's/they are...不是。它们是。的。



) 1、-i like that green skirt.

a、thank you. b、me too. c、good idea.

) 2、is this your jacket?

a、yes, it they it’s yours.

) 3、the pants are my

a.father's b.fatherc.fathers

) 4、arethese mike’s?

a、no, it isn’tb、yes, they they are.

) 5、pants are these? they’re mike’s.

a、whose b、who c、who’s

) 6、-look! these are my blue shorts.

a、it’s nice. b、fine, thank you. c、they’re great.

) 7is it? it’s blue.

a、what b、what colour c、where


) pants are these?a. no, they aren't.

) is the shirt?b. yes, it is.

) these yours?c. it's zhang peng's.

) coat is that?d. they’re chen jie’s.

) this your skirt?e. it's on the bed.


)1. a. clothes b. pants c. dress d. skirt

)2. ashirt bjacket cwhite dshoes

) bpencil cpen druler

) bwhose cwhat dwhere

) bt-shirt cten dtwelve

) bthat cit dfive


a、wash your skirt. b、take off your hat.

c、put on your shirt. d、put away your .

e、hang up your dress.


it’s 6:40. it’s time to get up.

i wear my new t-shirt. it’s yellow. and i wear my green shorts.

they’re old. but i like them very much. i h**e class today, so i wear my white shoes.

at 7:00, i h**e some bread and milk for breakfast. then i go to school at 7:

20.)1、i get up at 6:40.

)2、i h**e a yellow shirt. it's new.

)3、i like my green shorts.

)4、i wear green shoes today.

)5、i h**e breakfast at 7:20.




四、1-c 2-e 3-d 4-b 5-a



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