
发布 2020-09-19 04:13:28 阅读 9476


where**答句: (on, in, under, near )

welcome to 欢迎来到答句:( thank you. )

this is这是 these are 这些是。

that is 那是 those are那些是。

how many 多少个答句:数字单词。

do you h**e ……你有什么吗?

答句: (yes, i do. /no, i don’t. )

is this +东西? 答句:yes, it is.

is that +东西? no, it isn’t.

what time is it? 几点了?

答句: it’s 数字 ( o’clock.)

time for+名词。

time to+动词。

go to school. 上学 go to bed.睡觉

go home.回家。

what colour? 什么颜色? 答句:颜色单词。

who 谁答句:姓名或职业。

whose ……谁的

答句:① my, your, his, her

② 姓名‘s

what for?有什么用处?

look at 看一看。

what are they? 它们是什么?

what is it? 它是什么?


water the flowers. 浇花。

read a story-book.看故事书。

eat some noodles.吃面条。

hand in the homework.交作业。

play football. 踢足球。

drink some milk.喝牛奶。

h**e some chicken.吃鸡肉。

jump and run.跳和跑。

read and write.读和写。

sing and dance.唱和跳。

put on your t-shirt.穿上你的t恤衫。

hang up your skirt.悬挂你的短裙take off your jacket.脱下你的夹克衫。

fold your dress. 叠你的连衣裙wash your shirt. 洗你的衬衫。

put away your sweater. 放好你的毛衣it’s your turn now. 现在轮到你了。

the t-shirt looks like a “ t ”.


it looks like a fish. 它看起来象条鱼just wait and see. 等一会就知道了。


1. where is the canteen? 餐厅在**?

it’s on the first/ second floor.它在一/二楼。

2. welcome to our school.


3. how many students are there in your class?


forty-five. 四十五个。

4. do you h**e lunch at school? yes.

你在学校吃午饭吗? 是的。

5. your school is beautiful. thank you.

你的学校很漂亮。 谢谢。

6. is this the library? yes, it is.

这是图书馆吗? 是的。

7. is that the music room? no, it isn’t.

那是**教室吗? 不是的。

8. what time is it? it’s nine o’clock.

几点了? 九点了。

9. it’s time for lunch.

it’s time to h**e lunch. 午饭时间到了。

10. it’s time for school.

it’s time to go to school.上学时间到了。

11. school is over. 放学了。

just a minute. 等一会。

12. breakfast is ready. 早饭准备好了。

13. is this your skirt? yes, it is. /no, it isn’t.


14. whose is it? it’s your baby brother’s.

它是谁的? 它是你小弟弟的。

15. look at these. 看这些。

16. our neighbour has a new baby.

我们的邻居有一个刚出生的宝宝。 are your pants. 这些是你的长裤。

those are my shoes. 那些是我的鞋子。


computer, board, fan, light, teacher’s desk, picture, floor, wall, one, two, three, four, five ,six, seven, eight, nine, ten, music, math, chinese, english, red, blue, green, yellow, white, skirt, shirt, jacket, dress, jeans, pants, socks, shoes.

this is your computer.

that is my computer.

is this a teacher’s desk? yes, it is.

what time is it? it’s two o’clock.

it’s time for math class.

is this your shirt? no, it’s not.

what colour is it? it’s white.


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