六年级下册1 2单元组合试卷

发布 2020-08-22 20:22:28 阅读 3629



足球) _vy(重的) 小吃) _ch(接)

_ lthy(健康的)骨骼) _**) 比萨饼)

_ ng(强壮的) _rn(学习) _lly(通常) _t(水果)

_ th(月份) _r(小时) 晚饭) _扔)

_m(队) 运动) _b(梳) 灯)








the good for __






) make your body healthy and strong.

)2.--do you exercise ,danny? -that’s twice a day.

much many often

) li ming __to do tomorrow?

) you like __play pingpong.

to ) be strong and healthy.

)6.__breakfast,i brush my teeth.

) munites make___hour.

)8.__she go to the park last week?

) are __their teacher now.

to ) is __than alice.


) don’t h**e __books in my bag.

)12.__spring ,the weather is warm.

) can she __

)14are these runners? thirty dollors.

a. how much b. how c. how many

)15. i don’t like ping-pong balls

a. too b. toc. either.

)16. what sportshe play?

a. is b. does c. do

)17. what snacksyou buy yesterday?

a. do b. are c. did

)18. sheher face.

a. is washing b. washing c. wash

)19. bob usually wakes up7:00the morning.

a. in, at b. at, in c. at, at

)20. theresix big parks in england.

a. is b. are c. be


wantlearn) english.

orange___play) has the ball.

our homework, ok?

a t-shirt and runners yesterday.

are theydo)?

the old man tomorrow.

would likeeat) something.

a t-shirt and a hat.

9this) are my teeth.

10.__health) skin is clean skin.


1. i am ready to learn basketball. (变为一般疑问句)

ready to learn basketball?

2. i can speak english. (变为否定句)


3. she taught us to play ping-pong yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)

sheus to play ping-pong yesterday?

h**e five books. (就划线部分提问)

books do you h**e?

is singing a song now. (就划线部分提问)


usually eat humbrugers for breakfast. (划线提问)

do you usuallyfor breakfast?

onions make you cry?(做肯定回答)

yeswent to the store today.(划线部分提问)

___did you __today?

there any shoes under the bed?(否定回答)

nolike this shirt.(that shirt) (变为选择疑问句)

___you like this shirt___that shirt?

八。阅读,判断正确的填(t )错误的( f)10分。

it’s winter very cold in the morning. it’s all white outside because it snowed dog and miss cat get up very breakfast,mr dog wants to watch tv, but miss cat says,oh,dear! it’s very nice make a snowman.

****** a snowman isn’t very easy,so they work how nice the snowman is!. mr dog puts his hat on the snowman’s head. after that,they are very lunch is some fish,some bones and a big says;“it’s the middle of the snowman must be give the cake to him.

”“all right” says miss the snowman isn’t can only see the is he?

) a cold winter day.

) cat and mr dog want to make a snowman after lunch.

) hard to make a snowman.

) h**e some meat and rice for lunch.

) snowman melted(融化)in the middle of the day



一 看拼音,写词语。10分 x n s w n t y n h u x mi y o y wp s h i m i ui q i 二 理解与运用。1 填字成词,然后写出所填字的意思。9分 硕大无而不舍前后继。银装裹万籁寂同仇敌。震耳聋变化多至至义。3 综合改错。共九处错误,请用修改符号在原文中改正 ...


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