
发布 2020-08-20 05:24:28 阅读 4353

unit 2 ways to go to school

一、 单词和音标连连看。

1. slowa.

2. downb.

3. stopc.

4. subwayd.

5. traine.

二、 看**,写单词。

三、 读句子, 选择画线部分的正确翻译。

)1. i must pay attention to the traffic lights.

a. 注意b. 交通灯c. 遵守。

)2. how can i get to the park?

a. 得到b. 到达c. 经过。

)3. stop and wait at a yellow light.

a. 停下来b. 等待c. 停下等待。

)4. take the no. 57 bus over there.

a. 乘坐b. 经过c. 那边。

)5. come and h**e a look.

a. 过来玩玩b. 过来看看。 c.过来听听。

四、 读一读,连一连。


五、 单项选择我最棒。

)1. i go to hainan from beijing __plane.

a. onb. byc. at

)2.__to the park and play with us.

a. comeb. comingc. comes

)3can you get to the library?

by bike.

a. whereb. howc. when

)4. letread this for you.

a. ib. mec. my

)5. howwu yifan’s father go to work?

a. dob. doesc. did

六、 看**,判断**与句子是“√”否“×”相符。

)1. i come to school by bus.

)2. my home is near the bookstore.

)3. no right turn.

)4. let’s go to the park together.

)5. i go to the usa by subway.

七、 情景选择我最棒。

)1. 你想知道朋友怎么上学,你会问。

a. how do you come to school?

b. how can i come to school?

c. how do you go home?

)2. 红灯亮了的时候,你会提醒你的同伴。

a. don’t go at a red light.

b. slow down and stop at a red light.

c. a and b.

)3. 你通常走路上学,你会说。

a. i usually walk to school.

b. i usually come to school by bike.

c. i usually come to school by bus.

)4. 如果你坐雪橇出去时,你应该做到。

a. i must drive slowly.

b. don’t let the dogs run too fast.

c. a and b.

八、 大家来找茬。 选出句子中错误的一项,并把正确答案写在横线上。

1. usually i come by foot

a b c2. how do you get the usa from china?

a b c3. slow up and stop.

a b c4. i must to pay attention to the traffic lights.

abc5. there are many pictures for lights.

a b c九、 根据汉语提示完成句子。

1. 我骑自行车来上学。

iby bike.

2. 我乘飞机去加拿大。

i go to canada

3. 我们可以步行去超市。

we can go to the supermarket

4. 红灯时放慢速度停下来。

andat a red light.

5. 你可以乘坐57路公共汽车。

you canthe no. 57 bus.

十、 按要求完成句子。

1. come, do, how, to, you, school(?)连词成句)

2. we, pay, must, to, attention, lights, traffic, the (.连词成句)

3. what should we do at a yellow light? (根据实际情况回答)

4. i usually come to school on foot. (对画线部分提问)

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