
发布 2020-08-19 09:45:28 阅读 3527











7. get the right side of the road

9.向右拐10. east of the cinema

三、 单选(15分)

)1. a: how do you go to the usa? b:i go __

a. on foot b. by bike c. by bus d. by plane

)2. remember the traffic rules. _at a yellow light.

a. stop b. waitc. go d. go straight

)3. a: excuse me, is there a cinema near here? b: yes,__

a. it is b. they are c. there is d. there are

)4. how can i get to __park?

a. zhongshan b. the zhongshan c. a zhongshan

)5. is it far __here? a. for b. of c. from

)6. it’sthe cinema. a. near b. in to c. next to

)7. —mr. black: happy women’s day! —miss white

a. thank you b. happy women’s day c. welcome

)8. you can go by __bus. a. the no.10 b. no. 10 c. no. the 10

)9. you see a red light, you must __a. go b. wait c. stop

)10、how are you a、fine,thank you. b、i'm fourteen.

)11、see you later! a、thank you! b、see you!


a、how old are you? b、how do you go to school?


a、you're welcome. b、no,thanks.


a、i always go by train. b、sometimes i go by train.


mike: hi, amy. is it friday today?

amyit’s saturday today.

mike: let’s go to the park this afternoon.

amy: great

amy: it’s easy. come to my home first. then we can go to the park by bus.

mikeamy: my home is near the not far.

mikeamy: the no. 26 bus.

mike:ok! see you at one o’clock this afternoon.


) can i go to the zhongshan park? not far.

) i go on can go by bus

) is the libraryc. it’s near the post office.

) it far from hered. you are welcome.

) youe. no, it isn’t.


1、ab: i usualy go to the zoo by bike .

2、ab: the weather is sunny and hot.

3、ab: you can go to dongfang park by subway.

4、ab: sure, if you like. it’s not far.

5、ab: they are traffic lights.



zhang:excuse me,how do we get to the people’s park ?

man: you can go there by the no.5 bus ,or you can go on foot.

zhang: how do we go on foot ?

man: it’s easy. turn left at the traffic lights.

the park is near a tall office building.

john: thank you very much. hurry up, zhang peng!

zhang: no! the light is red. stop!

john: that’s right. we h**e to wait.

zhang: now it’s green. let’s go!

1) john and zhang peng can’t go to the park by the no.5 bus.(

2) john and zhang peng want to go to the park on foot.(

3) the people’s park is near the traffic lights.(

4) john wants to go at a red light. (

5) zhang peng follows the traffic rules. (


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