2024年度小学六年级质量检测试题 卷 英语

发布 2020-08-18 20:59:28 阅读 4551



)1. a know b cow c. how

) this b. father d. these

) b pear c. where d. wear

)4. a cake b name c take d. cat

)5. a book b room c. good d. look


宾格2. can not(缩写)__


5. twelve(序数词同音词)__

7sun(形容词8. student((对应词)__

9. he**y(比较级单三)__

11. longer(反义词12. these(对应词)__

13. child复数形式)__






1) my grandpa went to shanghai last month.(变成一般疑问句)

2)he goes to school by bike.(写出同义句)

3) these books are ten yuan.(对划线部分提问)

4) he loves to go camping.(变否定句)

5)i’m 1.63 meters tall(对划线部分提问)


6)you, to, did, go, sydney (?

7)both, it's, of, together, taller, than, us (.

8 )she, stayed, at, and, all home weekend slept(.)

9)you, are, he**y, how (?

10)we, on, h**e, no, computer, class, thursdays (.

11) hobby, pictures, my, is, drawing(.)

12)going, zhang peng, to, beijing, is, plane, by (.

13 )on, did, go, you, weekend, fishing, the (?

14)than, shorer, me, you, are (.

15)go, where, yon, holiday, on, your, did(?)


16)tom is正在捉蝴蝶)

17 )where will you go下一周)

18)he often上英语课) in the morning,19 )when do you晨练)

20)my mum打扫房间) last weekend.

21)do you吃早饭) at school?

22) please安静)


24)let’s去远足) next sunday.

25)please倒垃圾) every day.



)1. it's 7: 00. it's time___breakfast.

b. to c. at d. with

) student. she___a teacher. we___friendly.

a. is, am, are b am, is, are,am ,are d are,am,is

)3. every one __to their teacher in the classroom.

a. are listening b is listening c. listen d listening

) isn't___milk in the you like___juice?

some b. any, any any ,some

)5. my father is___than my mother.

a. thin b. thiner c thinest

)6.--did your brother go fishing last weekend?


b did d. didn’t

)7. my shoes are green and___are red.

b. your d. you

)8. mike wants___a new bag.

a. buy b. to buy c. buying d. bought

)9.-how___is that pen? -it's 10 yuan.

b. many d. waas

)10. i h**e __english book and___math hook.

a. a: an a c an: the d a: the

)11. i’d like __water.

b drinks d. to drink

)12.--how do you go to canada?

-i go there __

a. by plane b on foot c by busd. by bike

) light is red now.

b wait c. go

)14. i often do my homework___weekends.

a. in c of d. at

)15.__go at the red light!

b do c. to do d. do

)16 is it far___here?

a. from b. about c. for d. to

)17.__is there a school near here?


2010年小学六年级质量检测语文试题。班级考号姓名得分 一 读拼音写汉字,注意把字写得工整匀称。5分 w i xi n d n d u 枯 头生无 有 m bi n gu ng z n y u 鬼皮街养 处 二 按要求完成下面各题。23分 1 下面几组词语中书写全部正确的在 里打 错误的打 3分 a...


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班级考号姓名得分 一 读拼音写词语,注意把字写得工整匀称。5分 j ng m q n mi n j ju q ng t ng gu i qi o r ng y ju n z ng li f ng f i cu c n b o 二 按要求完成下面各题。24分 1 根据拼音正确 工整写出汉字。6分 j ...