2019六年级毕业监测试题 冀教五

发布 2020-08-18 20:56:28 阅读 6756




is it a train yes it’s faster than a bus.


computer **sleep安静地



letter计算机stamp 容易的。




) short, black hair, but lynn __long, red hair.

a. h**e has b. h**e h**e c. has has

)2. my eyesblack.

a. h**e b. is c. are

) jim.

a. tall b. taller c. small

)4. my mother is a doctor. _goes to work by bus.

a. he b. her c. she

)5. i like to play __my doll.

a. with b. on c. in

)6. i can buy __at the post office.

a. apples b. milk c. stamps

)7. _where is the park?

a. excuse me b. sorry c. thank you

)8. they arrive 6:00 in the morning.

a. at b. in c. on

)9. _shirts do you h**e?

a. how many b. how much c. how

)10. what are you doing? ia book.

a. is reading b. am reading c. reading

) is a woman. these are

a. man b. women c. womans

)12. did you go

a. to shop b. shop c. shopping

)13. you take a picture? yes, i can.

a. does b. can c. may

)14. i danny yesterday.

a. see b. saw c. seeing

)15is china? –china is red .

a. how many b. how much c. what colour


ab )1. where is dannya. i am drawing a picture.

)2. good night, li mingb. it’ s 8:00.

)3. can you read a picturec. i hurt my nose.

)4. what time is itd. good night, jenny!

)5. what are you doinge. he is at home.

)6. where are you fromf. one yuan.

)7. would you like some teag. i went by bus.

) happenedh. no, i can’t.

)9. how much is a stamp, pleasei. yes, please.

)10. how did you go to tian’anmen square? j. i’m from tianzhu.


it is 1 today. xiaoyong and his family are 2 the park. look !

xiaoyong is 3 pictures of birds and flowers. his sister 4 drawing a picture. his mother is sitting 5 a tree.

6 father is reading a book. they are very 7 .


1. -what is she doing?

--she isnow.

2. do you go to the to watch the animals?

3. -what are you doing?

--we arein the park.

4. -would you like some

yes, please.

5. let’sto wangfujing today


1. computer \is\ this \ a

2. fly\can \a \ danny \ kite

3. h**e \ today \ i\homework

woman is the baby’s mother.(翻译成汉语。

worry. (翻译成汉语。

want to go shopping. (翻译成汉语。

is a picture. (变为一般疑问句this

8. they are in the classroom. (变为否定句)theythe classroom.


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