
发布 2020-08-18 20:53:28 阅读 8880






听力部分( 40分)一.听音,选择。( 10分)

) 1. a. chipsb.

pizzac. sweet corn() 2. a.

sourb. bitterc. salty() 3.

a. cinemab. bankc.

traffic lights() 4. a. alongb.

acrossc. down() cloudb. snowc.

lake二.听对话,选出正确的答案。(10分)()1. it’s next to the

a. cinemab. libraryc. bank() 2. is the hamburger

a. sweetb. deliciousc. salty() 3. can you draw

a. windb. lakec. cloud() can see the

a. moonb. earthc. rainbow() 5. where does __come from?

a. rainb. vapourc. clouds



三.听问句,选择与之相符的答句。( 15分)。(1.

a. pizzab. yes, please.

()2. a . fried chickenb.

no, it isn’t.()3. a.

it comes from it comes from vapour.()4. a.

yes, it yes, i can.()5. no, it isn’t.

四.听句子判断正误,正确的写“t”,错误的写“f”。(1. a small bag of chips and a cup of coffee.

()to the hospital.()do you like pizza.()4.

walk along the road to the bank.()does vapour come from?


一.找出不同类的单词。( 10分)

) 1. a. hamburgerb.

pizzac. orange() 2. a.

hospitalb. bankc. down() 3.

4. a. carb.

bus stopc. bus() riverb. lakec.

flower二.找出相对应的汉语意思。( 10分)

1. delicious()2. along ()bitter()5. hospital(金戈铁骑整理制作。


a.山脉b.美味的c.沿着d.医院e.苦的三.选择最佳答案。( 10分)

) 1. too much fat isfor our health.

a. goodc. best() 2. the coffee is

a. sweetb. bitterc. salty() can i get to the

a. sourb. hospitalc. along() 4. a: where is the library?

b: it’s __the second floor.

a. onb. inc .at() 5. it __from the clouds.

a. comeb. comingc. comes() 6. a: -where is the bank?b

a. it’s next to the anything else?c. tank you!()7. i’m __and thirsty.

a. goodb. hungryc. black() 8.–what are you doing?

we are watering flowers in the

a. bookstoreb. canteenc. garden() 9. where does cloud come from?

comes from the it comes from the vapour.



comes from the water.

) you draw rain?

a. yes, i yes, i yes, it is.四.连线题。( 10分)

1. may i help you?a. i can see the star.2. where is the bank?b. yes, i am.

3. are you hungry?c.

it comes from the water.4. where does vapour come form?

next to the hospital.5. what can you see?

e. yes, i‘d like a sandwich.五.连词成句。

1. youlikewhatwould2. cinemaisthewhere3. likehowyoudopizza

4. nexttotheit’sbank5. thewaycanshowyoumebankto

六.读短文判断正误。正确的写“f”,错误的写“t”(10分)my name is lu hua. my english name is lily.

i’m 12 years old.



i study in no.1 primary school. there is a caféover there.

i often go thereto drink coffee. sometimes i eat hamburgers and ice-creams.()1.

her english name is lily.()2. she is 11years old.

) 3. she studies in the no.1 primary school.

()4. there is a kfc near lu hua’s school.()5.

lu hua likes coffee..



六年级上册英语复习资料。交际用语 unit1 1.a what does your art teacher look loke?你们的美术老师长什么样子?b he is short and thin.他长得又瘦又矮。2.a does he love sports?他喜欢运动吗?b no,he doe...


unit our teachers 教学目标 1.能听,说,读,写描述人物外形和性格的形容词 young,handsome,old,pretty,thin,active,funny,kind,friendly,clever.2.能正确朗读课文,并模仿语调。3.能熟练掌握并在情景中运行句型。4.描述他...

六年级下册英语教案 Unit4Review 冀教版

unit 4 review 学情分析 在学习过去时之前,学生比较系统地学习了一般现在时 现在进行时和一般将来时,大部分学生都懂得 通过变化动词的形式来表示不同的时态 的道理,并对英语的时态有一定程度的感性认识,但也有一部分学生对 什么是动词 什么是时态 等问题感到困惑。在这个基础上,经过学习,前一类...