
发布 2020-08-18 01:13:28 阅读 5045



)1、a。sweater b、teacher c、meat

)2、a、brown b、snow c、yellow

)3、a、mouse b、cow c、coat

)4、a、eat b、sheep c、great

)5、a、tall b、class c、small


1. exc__sa . u/i. b. i/e c. u/e.

2. bookst___ea. oi b. or c. ve

3. w__d___sdaya. e/e b. a/ne c. e/ne

4 .univ__s___ty __a. er/e b. er/i c. e/e

5. air-c__dit___oner __c. o/i三.根据要求写单词。(10分)

名词2. teach(过去式。

3. study(单三)__4. hear(同音词。

5. swim(现在分词6. one(序数词。



1.今天晚上2. 好主意。

3.变得更强壮 away the clothes

5做家务6. play the violin

7.教师办公室8. moral education

a sore


) do you h**e __lunch?

b. for

) and mary h**e bread and milk___the morning.

b. on c. at

) it __in guangzhou?

a. raining

) bank is __my uncle’s home.

a. next to

) many __are there under the tree?

a. man b. women c. woman

) your bag big __small?

a. and b. or c. an

)7.__does ben go to school? by bus.

a. how

)8.__is that? that’s my cousin.

b. what

9. i usually ride the bike after school __mondays.

b. in

)10. is your mother strong __weak?

a. and b. or c. but

)11. i get up __7:00 every morning.

a. in b. on

) friend likes __

and swimming b. cook and sing and dance

) is __than ben.

a. he**y b. he**yer

) in the playground?

football b. is playing football football

) don’t go to school __monday __saturday .

a. from, to b. in , on on


1. _be) it __snow) yesterday? yes, it was.

2. you can get off at thetwo) stop.

3. march thetwelve) is tree planting day.

4. he willeat) lunch at 12:00.

5. iwatch)tv yesterday evening.

6. i went to xinjiangbuy) train.

7. whose skirt is this? it’samy).

8. ican )fly kites seven years ago.

9. how many people___be) there in your class last term?

10. they all___go) to the mountains yesterday morning.


1. today is sunny.(对画线部分提问)

2. she read books every morning.(用now改写)

3. mr brown comes from the us(改为同义句)

4. i’m thinner and shorter than you. (对画线部分提问)

5. my sharpener is ten yuan.(对画线部分提问)

6. last week i read an english book. (改一般疑问句并作否定回答)

7. the woman is old.(改为感叹句)

8. she likes watching tv very much.(改为一般疑问句)

9. girl ,skirt , the ,who ,in ,is ,the, red,(连词成句) ?

10. i watch tv on saturdays.(用next satuarday改写)



lucy is very sad. her cat mimi is in the tree. she calls its name again and again, but it can’t get down.

now peter comes here. he asks lucy, “what’s wrong?” lucy says,” mimi can’t get down.

” who’s mimi?” peter asks. “it is my cat, the white and black cat.

look, it’s there.” don’t worry, i’ll help you,” says peter. then he climbs up the tree.

mimi jumps down from the tree and runs away. lucy runs after her cat. but peter can’t get down now, he doesn’t know what to do.


一 按要求改写单词 15分 现在分词 2.photo 复数 现在分词 宾格5.country 复数6.close 现在分词。7 here 同音词8 long 反义词9 fat 比较级。10 four 序数词 复数 12.h e 单三 过去式14.thin 反义词名词。二 英汉互译 15分 1.做家务...

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