
发布 2020-08-17 16:58:28 阅读 5572

一、按要求改写单词( 15分)

现在分词) 2. photo(复数) 现在分词)

宾格5. country(复数6. close(现在分词。


10.four(序数词 (复数)__12. h**e(单三)__

过去式14. thin(反义词名词。

二、英汉互译( 15分)

1.做家务 tv3.读书。

the phone5.听** a picnic

to8.弹钢琴9. 看望(外)祖父母。

10.放风筝 a snowman12.吃早饭。

13.写信14. water the flowers15.买东西。


) 1.一whose bike is it?一it’s .

a.johnb.john’s c.johns’ d.johns

) 2.一can you sing the song in english? —no,i .

a.may not b.mustn’tc.needn’t d.can’t

) 3. -may i __your bike? -sure.

a. ride b. riding c. read d. to ride

) 4.一what did you do last night? —i did my homework and tv.

a.watch b.watchedc.will watch d.am watching

) 5.please write the numbers l5 25.

a.to;to b.between;to c.from;to

) 6.the skirts are for .

a.you and me b.you and ic.me and you

) 7.put this watch on the desk and put that on the floor.


) 8.一can you chinese,mr. smith?

—yes,but just a little.

a.talk b.speak c.tell d.say

)9.which is smaller,the sun the moon?

a.sob.but c.or d.and

)10.it’s hot summer in beijing.

a.byb.on c.at d.in

( )11.this knife is yours,ann. ,please.

a.put on it b.put it on c.put it away d.put away it

)12.liu tao’s father likes magazines.

a.read b.reads c.readed d.reading

)13.— is your birthday? 一on may l2,2000.

a.what b.wh1ich c.when d.where

)14.it’s very hot.jim is his coat.

a.putting on b.taking off c.taking down d.take off

)15.helen is playing guitar.mike is playing basketball.

a.the;the b.the;/ c./;the d./;

四、用所给单词的适当形式填空( 15分)

1 . look ! my sisterplay ) with the toy cars .

2 . iget ) up at 6:30 every morning .

3 . my aunt __look) after her baby carefully.

4 . do they likeswim) ?

5. tom’s motherbuy) a nice jacket yesterday.赞同。

oftenh**e) dinner at home.

7.__helenwash )clothes? yes ,she is .

___they __do) last saturday?

9. they __h**e) the same hobby.

10. my mother___be) ill. she is staying in bed.

五、读一读,选择正确答句( 10分)

) 1. does she teach matha. i am 160 cm tall.

) 2. how tall are youb. i feel sick.

) 3. how do you feelc. i went to xinjiang by bus.

) 4. what did you do last weekendd. yes, she does.

) 5. how did you go to xinjiange. i visited my grandparents.

) 6. what day is it todayf. it's wednesday.

) 7. where did you go yesterdayg. it's on january 1st.

) 8. is she playing the violin nowh. come in, please.

) 9. may i come ini. i went to shanghai yesterday.

) 10. when is your birthdayj. yes, she is.

六、根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上。( 10分)

zip: hey, zoom

zoom: i went to the hospital on the weekend.

zipzoom: yes, i was sick.

zipzoom: i had a fever and my throat is sore.

zip: you should do sports and make yourself to be stronger.

zoom: you are right

zip: that’s a good idea. but i will go swimming this afternoon.

zoomzip: sure! let’s go together.


1. we can go to the park on foot.***否定句)

七、根据要求改写句子。( 15分)

1. we can go to the park on foot.***否定句)

2. i am going to see a picture of my family.***一般现在时)


友情提醒 工整写字,细心答题,考出自己最好成绩!一 找出划线部分发音不同的单词。10分 1 a。sweater b teacher c meat 2 a brown b snow c yellow 3 a mouse b cow c coat 4 a eat b sheep c great 5 a ...

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