
发布 2020-08-17 16:56:28 阅读 3332


大声笑),my mother is sleeping.

mouse路过) and woke the lion up.

mouse helped the lion and the lion出来).

感觉困) in the morning.

man is唱的好)。

is not太多的食物) at home.


shouldn’t walk快)in the street.


) should readin the library.

a. quietlyb. loudlyc. quickly

) 2. mike has __rice for lunch and dinner,but yang ling has __rice .

a. a lot of , a few b. a little, a lot c. a lot of, a little

( )3. we should h**e meals

a. earlyb. latec. on time

) must know something about food___

safeb. safetyc. safely

( )5. i feeli want to go to __now.

a. sleepy,sleepb. sleep,sleepyc. sleep,sleeping

) 6. in macau, people drive onof the road.

a. the left sideb. the right sidec. any side

) 7the window! it’s raining.

a. look atb. look out ofc. look out for

) question is __and i can answer it __

a. easy,easyb. easily,easyc. easy,easily

) diet is good for your

a. healthy,healthy c. health,healthy

) bing knows liu tao

a. goodb. wellc. nice


a) 根据首字母提示,完成句子。(7分)

1. nancy's bedroom is clean and t

2. look. here's the green man. you can c___the road now.

3. the children are singing and dancing hat the party.

4. don't talk lmy father is sleeping.

5. at home , wang bing always puts his things in o

6. you mrun or play on the road because there are many cars and bikes.

7. playing football on the road is not s


1. the girl is sittingquiet) in the garden.

2. the lion was so sad because a mancatch) him with a net.

3. liu tao goes to bed late, he always __feel) sleepy in the morning.

4. how manytomato) are there in the fridge?

5. look! an old manwalk) slowly in the street.

6. yang ling likeseat) sweet food, but she __eat) a little at a time.

7. therebe) a lot of vegetables in the basket last night.

8. -how can we cross the roads __safe)?

-- first,__look) for a zebra crossing, then wait for the green man.

五、 匹配。(10分)

) did the cat get outa. no, it wasn’t.

) mike h**e any good habits? b. it was great fun.

) bedroom is thisc. at six.

) are you doingd. it bit the net with his teeth.

) are am reading a story.

)6. when do you get upf. yes, i am.

( )7. are you sleepyg. yes, he does.

( )8. was it on the groundh. i was at home.

)9. where were you yesterdayi. they are in the classroom.

)10. how was the holidayj. it’s my cousin’s.


1. 你们应该把自行车放整齐。

you should your bikes

li 正带领我们参观故宫。

miss li isthe palace museum.


before you cross the road , you mustcars.

tao 唱歌不好,他需要一些帮助。

liu tao sings and hesome

5. 昨天早上闹钟把我叫醒了。

the clockyesterday morning.


the lion bit the net his

4. 他总是准时去上学。

he alwaysto school on

八、看图填空, 根据图画或首字母提示,完成对话或短文,每空一词。 (5分)

1. lion: can you help me?

mouse: what h___

lion: a man cme with the net.

mouse: don’t wlet me b___the net.

lion: wow! you made a big hole.

mouse: now you can get o___


every year many children and old people h**e accidents (事故) when they cross the road. some of them even die in the accidents. children h**e accidents because they are not very careful.

they sometimes play on the road and do not look out for cars. many old people can’t see or hear very well. they shouldn’t cross the road alone (单独地).


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