
发布 2020-08-11 03:20:28 阅读 9207


总分:100分时量:30分钟listening test part听力部分(30分)

.listen and choose.听录音,根据听到的内容将正确的序号写在题前括号内。(2×5,共10分)1.()tree

2.()readc. ride3.

()aloudc. healthy4.()moonc.

the and number.听音,排序。根据听到的内容将正确的序号写在相应句子前面的括号内。


) there was a small river near its home.()the dog opened its mouth.()one day, a dog went to a meat shop.

()the dog lost its meat.

) it saw another dog in the water.

and write.听音,选择正确的单词填在横线上。(2'×5,共10分)

takeawalkstandononefootspacemuseumdo exercise every daykeep us can.

3. we’llwith your grandpa andgrandma .

wanted to.5. we should. it’sgood for us.

written test part笔试部分(70分)

.write the sentences.请按正确的书写格式抄写下列句子。(4'×5,共20分)

should learn to take care of ourselves.

trees is good for us.

3. our earth looks like this in space.

4. anne wanted to dance.

5. some stories are more interesting.

.read and choose.请根据**提示选择正确答案,并将答案的序号写在题前的括号内。(2'×5,共10分)()wanted to.

a pictureb. dancec. play the piano

) cana. keep us coolb. keep the air theplace beautiful

) should.clean

) can land and sunc. stars


) 1. a. jogb.

runc. should() 2. .

goesc. dropped() 3. healthy() 4.

5. a. singb.

请从方框中选择正确的答句补充对话,将序号写在横线上。(3'×5,共15分) can make the place earth is like a we’ll look at the he wanted to read a story we should eat healthy food.1.

what are we going to do at the park?

2. what did he want to do?

3. what can trees do?

4. what should we do to be healthy?

5. what does the earth look like in space?

.read and judge.阅读短文并判断正误,对的写t,错的写f。(3'×5,共15分)

summer, fall and winter. spring follows winter. to grow and many animals h**e babies.

summer isthe hottest season. it does not get dark until late. plantsgrow fast.

in fall the days get shorter. the weather places. winter is the coldest season.

it gets darkearly in the evening. plants stop growing and many trees

are bare(光秃)。

1. many parts of the world h**e four seasons. (2.

many animals h**e babies in spring. (3. summer is the hottest season.

(4. the day become longer in fall. (

5. winter comes. the plants stop growing. (


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