PEP小学英语六年级 下 期中考试试卷

发布 2020-08-11 03:21:28 阅读 9734


listening part

一、listen and number.听音,给下列**标号。(10%)

二、listen and choose the answers.听问句,选答句。(10%)

)1. a. i’m taller than i’m 48 i’m 160cm.

()2. hurt my i h**e a cold . h**e a toothache.

()3. a. yes, i no, i no, she idn’t..

(4. very happy .b.

he’s he’s sad.()5. a.

i wash i played yes, i do.三、listen and tick.听录音,用“√”划出你听到的那一项。。


四、listen and write.听音,补全对话,每空一词。(10%)1. what’stheihurtmyleg .

2. ih**eabadcold . mythroatis __3. mymotheris4 cm___thanmyfather .

4. zhang pengismuch __thanwu yifan .

5. lisa feels very___becauseshe’sgoingonabigtrip .writing part

一、read and choose.读一读,选出不同类的单词。(10%)(1.

a. 2. 3.

a. feverb. headachec.

4. hurt() 5. a.

watched the roomc. do the dishesd. played football

二、look and choose.读句子,选择右边正确的序号填入括号内。(10%)(did you read books?

h**e a headache.()how is mike feeling now?b.

yes, i did.

) how tall are you ? cleaned the room.()what’s the matter?

d. i’m 165cm.()what did you do last weekend?

bored.三、read and write.根据汉语意思,完成句子。

每空一词。(20%)1.athe___tom (怎么回事)

b : my___is___喉咙痛) .my鼻子疼) .i think i感冒)。

你多大了我十一岁。)3. what __the boy___yesterday ?he洗衣服)。

四、rearrange the sentences.组词成句,注意题后标点。(10%)1.

are,you,than,me,shorter(.)2. you,he**y,are,how(?

)3. yesterday,they,room,cleaned,the(.)4. hands,my,bigger,are,yours,than(.)

5. did,do,weekend,what,you,last(?)五、read and judge.阅读下列短文,判断正“√”误“×”10%)

sam: hello, ted. you look perfect. you are fit now. how he**y are you?

ted: i’m 50 kg. you are thinner than me.

you look taller than before. how tall are you, sam?sam:

i’m 165 cm and 45 kg.

ted: oh, you are 10 cm taller than me. but you are 5 kg thinner than me.

please eat yes. i want to be as fit as you.()1.

sam is taller than ted.()2. ted is 155 cm tall.

()3. ted is 40 kg.

)4. sam is he**ier than ted.

)5. ted wants to be taller and he**ier附:pep小学英语六年级(下)期中试卷听力材料。

一、listen and number.听音,给下列**标号。(10%)1.

went swimming2. played football3. cleaned the room4.

visited grandparents5. went fishing6. played sports7.

read a book8. went to a park9. watched tv10.

washed the clothes二、listen and choose the answers.听问句,选答句。(10%)1.

how tall are you?

2. i h**e a headache, i h**e a fever and my nose hurts. what’s the matter with me?

3. did you go hiking yesterday?4.

how does amy feel?

5. what did you do last weekend?

三、listen and tick.听录音,用“√”划出你听到的那一项。。(10%) played very tired now.

2. sarah stays at home today, because it’s raining outside. she’s is going on a big trip.

he’s so happy.

4.——how are you, amy? you look sad.——i failed the game.

jie looks sad today. because she failed the math test.四、listen and write.

听音,补全对话,每空一词。(10%)1. what’s the matter ?

i hurt my leg .2. i h**e a bad cold .

my throat issore.3. my mother is 4 cm shorter than my father .

4. zhang peng is much he**ier than wu yifan .

5. lisa feels very excited, because she’s going on a big trip .

英语期中考试 小学六年级英语期中考试备考方法

小学六年级英语期中考试备考方法 六年级的期中考就要来了,而英语是最不能偷懒的科目,单词 语法 阅读都要靠学生老老实实去积累,才能考得好成绩。雷式教育一对一教研组整理了一些备考方法,帮助同学们轻松备考。1.上课时间一定要充分把握。2.坚持大声朗读课文,可改善自己的语音,语调。3.通过学习课文,在课余时...


学校 班级 姓名 座位号 总分 100分时量 30分钟listening test part听力部分 30分 listen and choose.听录音,根据听到的内容将正确的序号写在题前括号内。2 5,共10分 1.tree 2.readc.ride3.aloudc.healthy4.moonc....


pep小学六年级英语上册期中考试卷 六年级半期考英语试卷a听力 一至三题录音为两遍,第四题为三遍 一 选出录音中所读的单词。1 a trafficbgiraffec tree 2 a bookstorebshoe storec bus stop 3 a sisterbcinemac six 4 a ...