
发布 2020-08-03 07:11:28 阅读 6827


在具体的某一天用on be going to do 一般将来时 h**e a birthday party举办生日聚会 invite sb. to some places 邀请某人去某地want/would like to do sth.想要干某事 come to my party来我的生日聚会what about you?

你呢?what day提问星期几after school放学后 pick sb. up接某人teachers’ day教师节finish doing sth. 完成做某事once a week一周一次动名词可以做主语like doing sth.

喜欢做某事祈使句变否定句在动词前面加don’t三单需满足第三人称和单数两个条件go shopping去购物pick sth. up 捡起某home/here/there前面省略介词towelcome to…欢迎来到with表伴随some other things=elseget sth. for sb.

给某人拿某物buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物climb up the tree爬树。

which提问哪一个 in+季节(例如in summer) a cup of tea一杯茶can i help you?我能帮助你吗? how much 提问多少钱open the door打开门a lot of=lots of许多pay for付钱what kind of提问种类what shape提问形状will+do sth.

一般将来时sheep单复数同行how many 提问多少个give sb. sth.= give sth.

to sb.给某人某物 let后面加动词原形提问时间用whenwhose提问谁的work on a farm在农场工作play with…和… 玩take sb. to some places 带某人去某地h**e to不得不answer the questions回答问题look out of the window往窗外看stand up站起来say+说话内容/speak+语言or是选择疑问句的标志元音因素前用ani think so.

我认为如此come to my home来我的家celebrate lisa’s birthday 庆祝丽莎的生日 feel感觉到,后加形容词light the candles点蜡烛on the cake在蛋糕上sing the birthday song唱生日歌make a wish许愿blow out the candles吹灭蜡烛after that在那之后cut the cake切蛋糕give each one a piece给每人一块h**e fruit and candies吃水果和糖果h**e a good time=enjoy oneself=h**e fun过的高兴,玩的愉快a glass of juice一杯果汁 a piece of cake一块蛋糕,小菜一碟 man的复数meneach和every做主语时,动词用三单形式what is the date提问日期one of 其中一个,后面名词用复数,动词用三单复合名词变复数时把中心词变为复数different后名词用复数提问交通工具,程度用how and用在肯定句,or用在疑问句和否定句。


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