
发布 2020-08-02 05:29:28 阅读 8154


) who ( week ( come( )class ( will二、汉译英。1、某一天2、一天3、一只柔弱的猫4、第二天5、叫醒6、出来7、就在那时8、从那时起9、为他们喝彩10、太激动了。

三、找出下列单词中不同类的一项。( 1. a.

running b. sing c. talking( )2.

a. fly b. sadly c.

happily( )3. a. wake b.

bit c. say( )4. a.

woman b. girl c. men( )5.

a. big b. weak c.



1. there (be) many animals in the forest last year.

2. helen is . she dances . happy)

3. yang ling (walk) by and saw a nice ladybird.4.

would you like (eat) some mushrooms?5. the man laughed (loud) and (let) the thief go.

6. you shouldnt (caught) the birds. they are our friends.

7. the dog and the cat (become) good friends from then on.8.

the boy (say), i will go to the park. then he got on the bus.五、单项选择。

) 1. there any juice in the were b. was d. arent

) 2. mum me up at six oclock this wake b. wakes c.

woke d. wokes( )3. you to play basketball ?

a. do;wanted b. do;want c.

did;wanted d. does;want( )4. he tangyuan with his grandparents last sunday h**e b.

has c. eats d. ate( )5.

the were man c. mans d. mens( )6.

the cat is biting the box his in b. on c. with d.


) 7. mike help mr green clean the not b. dont c. didnt d. was

) 8. how can i go home? asked the little girl .

a. sad b. happy c.

sadly d. weak( )9. let the worker a hole in the make b.

made c. makes d. ******

) 10. the mouse the lion out from the net at help; got b. help; get c.

helped; got d. helped; get( )11. is a good habit?

a. how b. who c.

what d. where( )12. tinas room clean and tidy .

a. is b. are c.

be) 13. their parents them to tinaanmen square tomorrow .a.

will take b. takes c. taking d.

took( )14. i h**e breakfast 7:00 the at; on b.

in; in c. at; in at( )15. the child going to the b.

is c. are )16. the teacher gives a he b.

she c. his d. him

)17. how many pens are there the floor?a. in c. on d. into

) 18. sam looks , because he has a new happy b. happily c. sad d. sadly

) 19. the cat helped the mouse and finally the mouse get b. gets c. got d. getting

) 20. you always go to bed late .thats a good b. well c. bad


) 1. where are you going? a.

we h**e three.( 2. what are you doing?

b. yes,i do.

) 3. how many apples do you h**e? c.

no,but i h**e a cute cat.( 4. do you like apples?

d. yes,i did.( 5.

do you h**e a dog? e. some milk.

) 6. did you go to the summer palace? f.

the girl in red.( 7. what did you do on monday?

g. im going to the bookshop.( 8.

whats in the bottle? h. the brown dogs.

) 9. who is the lollipop(棒棒糖)for? i.

im ****** a fruit salad.( 10. whose tail is short?

j. i climbed the mountain with myclassmates.

七、找出句中的错误,并加以改正。( 1. the lion didnt wanted to eat the b c

)2. thank you! said su yang b c

)3. si maguang makes a hole and helped the boy get b c

)4. i want to be your b c

)5. here comes the tigers. they are b c

八、根据中文完成句子。1.杨玲擅长游泳。yang ling is .

2.同学们正在教室里大声地读英语书。the students are english books in the classroom.

3.他迅速的打开了他的书包。he his schoolbag .

4.森林里有这么多强壮的动物。there are so animals in the forest.

5.雷锋喜欢帮助他人。lei feng likes other people.


onceupon(当的时候)atime,awolfwaslappingthewater(舔水)ataspring(泉水)羔羊) .iwillfind

some excuses to catch he called out to the lamb, how dare yousmear(弄脏) the water i am drinking?

no, from you to me.

well, then,said the wolf. why did you call me bad names last year?that couldnt be,said the was only six months old then.

idontcare, that he rushed at the poor little lamb and ate it up.( 1. this story is from a chinese idiom(习语) book.

( 2. the wolf wanted to make friends with the lamb.( 3.

the lamb couldnt smear the water.

)4. the lamb called the wolf bad names last year.( 5. the lamb was six years

last week i went to the cinema. i had a good seat. the film was veryinteresting.

but i didnt enjoy it. a young man and a young woman weresitting behind me. they were talking loudly.

i got very angry. i could nothear the film. i turned round.

i looked at them angrily. but they didnt seeme. at last i could not hear it.

i said to couldnt hear a word!

its none of your business(没你的事),the young man said rudely,this is aprivate conversation(私人谈话).

)1. last sunday i went to the cinema.

)2. a young man and a young woman were sitting in front of me.( 3.

the film was very bad, so i didnt enjoy it.( 4. they werent watching the film.

)作者)wouldliketolistentotheir private conversation.


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六下 module 1 unit 1 巨大的 伟大的 great亚洲 asia 日本 japan 东京 tokyo 泰国 thailand 曼谷 bangkok 西北 north west 东北 north east 东南 south east 西南 south west 展览会 exhibitio...

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