
发布 2020-07-31 05:54:28 阅读 7726

unit 1 great cities in asia

一, 词汇部分:


asian (n.) 亚洲人;(a.)亚洲的,亚洲人的。

日本 japanese (n.) 日本人 (a.)日本的;日本人的。

注意:japanese 单、复数相同。(chinese 也如此)

(n.) 泰国

thai(a.) 泰国的;泰国人的 (n.)泰国人(thais 是复数形式)

(n.) 展览会 =show exhibit (v.) 展出。

=kilometer 千米;公里 kilogram 公斤;千克。

6. information (n.) 信息。

注意:information 是不可数名词,“一条信息”表达为:a piece of information。

“许多信息”表达为:a lot of /much information

(n.) 宫殿。

summer palace 颐和园 palace museum 故宫博物院。

the children’s palace 少年宫。

8. building (n.) 建筑物。

build (v.) 建筑;建造 builder (n.) 建造者。

rebuild (v.) 重建。

(a.) very big 巨大的

反义词:tiny =very small微小的。

10. famous (a.) 著名的 =well-known


an exhibition 出席展览会; 在展览会现场。

there is going to be an exhibition tomorrow.

capital of --的首都。

paris is the capital of france.

is north-east of shanghai.

north-east of =to the north-east of “ 在---的东北面“




eg. shanghai is east of china.=shanghai is in the east of china.

eg. japan is north-east of china.=japan is to the north-east of china.

eg. hong kong is south of guangzhou.=hong kong is on the south of guangzhou.

far is it from shanghai to beijing.


we go to work from monday to friday.


注意:how far 是对距离提问,表示“多远“

how long 是对一段时间提问,表示“多久”

how soon 是表示将要多久时间提问,表示“多久”,通常是对“in +时间状语”

how often 是对表示对做某事的频率次数提问,表示“多久”,通常是对“once/twice/three times, never, usually”等提问。

how much/how many 是对数量提问,表示“多少” 。how many 对可数名词提问,how much对不可数名词提问。

how much 也可以对钱提问,表达“多少钱”

how he**y 是对重量提问,表达“多重”

how 还可以用来提问“--怎样”

how do you like the film?= what do you think of the film? 你认为这部电影怎样?

how old 是对年龄提问,表示“多大”,相当于“what’s the age of---

how old are you?=what’ s the age of you?

5. 三个半小时表达形式。

three hours and a half=three and a half hours (注意:hour要加“s”)

一个半小时: one and a half hour =one hour and a half (注意:hour不要加“s”)

the past, people tr**el to other places by ship.

1)tr**el to +地点 “到---去旅行” =go on a trip

2) other places “其他的地方“ other 通常后面要跟名词的复数,而another则跟名词的单数。

i’d like to see other films. 我想看其他的电影。

i don’t like this shirt, please show me another one. 我不喜欢这件衬衫,请给我看看另一件。

by ship =by sea=on a ship (介词词组)=take a ship (动词词组)

by plane =by air =on a plane(介词词组)=take a plane (动词词组)

by train=on a train (介词词组) =take a train(动词词组)

eg. we can go around the world by plane/by air/on a plane.

we can take a plane to go around the world.


be famous for 以---而著名 = be well-known

hangzhou is famous for the west lake.杭州以西湖而著名。

be famous as 以---而著称。

shanghai is famous as “shopping paradise.” 上海以购物天堂而著称。

doing sth. 喜欢做某事。

其中like/love 还可以与“to do” 搭配,即:like/love to do sth. ,但enjoy 只能与“doing sth”搭配,即:

enjoying doing sth.

she likes singing./she likes to sing.

注意:enjoy 还可以理解为“欣赏”

we can enjoy beautiful beaches at rose bay.

are more than 15 million people in beijing.

1)more than =over 多于。

there are more than /over 40 students in our class.

2)量词“hundred /thousand/million/ billion 与具体数字搭配时,不可以加“s“,而hundreds of /thousands of /millions of 则表示“成百的/成千上万的/成百万的“

there are millions of people watching the exciting football games.

there are more than one hundred and sixty students in our grade.

10. they also love eating spicy food.

also “也” ,用于句中。

too /as well “也”,用于句尾。too 前面有逗号与句中分开。

either “也“ ,用于否定句,也放句尾。

i like eating dumplings,too.=i like eating dumplings as well.

i don’t like eating spicy food,either.

take sb. time to do sth. 花去某人---时间做某事。

sb spend time doing sth./on sth. 某人花时间做某事/某人花时间在某事上s

sb. spend (money) on sth. =sb. pay (money) for sth.某人花钱在某物上。

sth cost sb (money)某物花去某人---钱。


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