
发布 2020-07-31 04:49:28 阅读 4050






) b.164,000,000 c.165,000,000


1. let'sgotobeijingbyplane

2. itomanycountries.

3. let'svisitthe

4. everyonelikesbeautiful

6. shallweplay


) 1. a. yes, i amb. good ideac. yes, we do.

) 2. a. by bikeb. at 8:30c. every day.

( )3. a. yes, i amb. yes, i canc. yes, i do.

( )4. a. yes, he isb. yes, he canc. yes, he does.

五. 听短文三遍,判断句子是否与短文意思一致,如一致,请在括号内写“t”,否则写 “f”。(5分)

)1. it’s sunday today.

) 2. we are going to watch a basketball game in guangzhou.

) 3. the football game is going to begin at two o’clock.

) 4. we are going to guangzhou by underground.

) 5. the football match is between a japanese team and a chinese team.



) 1. a. inviteb. bringc. cd

) 2. a.

( )3. a.

( )4. a.

( )5. a. won'tb. go swimming


1. would you like to和我一起看电影)

2. shall we去散步)

3. do you want去喝茶)

4. let’s去划船)

5. the children打算去游泳)

6. miss zhang打算去购物)


) 1. are youholiday now?

) 2. i’d likestay in guangzhou with my parents.

a. inb.

) 3. i h**e never been to hongkong.

whywe to there on holiday?

a. ) 4. whar’s your

a. plan b.

( )photo, what city is it?

to ) don’t look happy, what’s the matter with you?

a. i’m bored b. i’m very excited. fine.

( )7. i h**e __to the baiyun hill many times.

a. ) is it?

a. national flag flags

) 9. letsee.

a. ) browntomorrow

going fishing c. is going fishing

) 11. i go to schoolmoday __friday.

a. on, on b. in, inc. from, to

) old are you?

a. my name is ben b. i’m 12 yeats old.

) 13. my mother ususlly gets up7:00 in the morning.

a. tob.

) 14. you’d betterat home and do your homework.

a. stay

) 15. tom oftento the yuexiu park on sunday.

九. 用恰当的国家名填空。(6分)

china the usa the uk japan france australia

1. beijing is the capital of

2. tokyo is the capital of

3. paris is the capital of

4. washington is the capital of

5. london is the capital of

6. canberra is the capital of




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