
发布 2020-07-31 04:47:28 阅读 3241



按要求补充字母。(10 分)

ee___gg , hh __jj , oo___qq, xx___zz.





a. i wear my clothes . sweater dog shirt bird raincoat plane dress panda socks chair turtle jeans milk


do you get up2. where do you live ?

3. how is the weather4. what’s in the picture?

a. there’s a ********b. i live in kaijiang .

c. i get up at seven o’clockd. it is sunny.


.选出下面每组中不属于同一类的单词,并将选出的答案填在答题卡的相应位置。(5 分)

) 1. a. lunch b. dinne c. fish

) 2. a. want c. bread

) 3. b. ball c. duck

)4. a. circle c. dumplings

)5. a. climb b. bin



a.there’re two packets of frie. two slices of bread.

)2. 你想要买一个冰淇淋,你可以这样对服务员说:

is an ice cream. i h**e an ice cream?


a.good morning! to meet you!

)4.每天早上进校见到老师和同学, 你应该说:

old are you? morning!

)5 询问别人在做什么,你应该问:

a. what’s thatb. what are you doing?

.从a、b两个答案中选出一个可以填入横线上组成正确意思的答案,并将选出的答案填在答题卡的相应位置。(15 分)

) 1. wu ming is a girl, she __long hair. a.

has b. h**e ( 2. _is the book?

it’s in my bag. a. what b.


) 3 .my hair --black. now it --grey.

a. were, was b. was, it c .is, was d. were, are

)4.下面那个单词含有aa的发音 a bike b cake5 they don't go to school __sunday. a.

on b. at6. _pet do you like?

i like rabbits.

a. where b. which c. whose

)7. i go to school --half past seve --the morning.

a. at, in b. in, on c. in, at

)8. what can i __for dinner? a. do b. h**e

)9. does he want an cie cream ?

a. yes. i do b . no. he doesn`t. c ,no, he daoes

)10. tom and marry __eating ice cream. b. are


)1. what does it taste likea. yes, i do.

)2. what colour is the deskb. i like christmas the best.

)3. what is your f**ourite festival? c. it is hot.

)4. do you like fishd it`s blue.

) 5 can i feed the duckse no, you can’t.

三、配对 (共计10 分)


1 elephant 2watermelon 3rubbish bin

4 gargic 5umbrella 6 pineapple


)1mid-autumn festivala.1st january

)2children’s dayb.25th december

)3christmasc.15th august

)4chinese new yeard.1st june

四、排序(计20分) ⅰ下面单词的字母被打乱了顺序,请同学们将字母重新排序,使其组成一个与词语相符的正确单词,并将其填入答题卡的相应位置。(4分)

i, p,r,s,g(春天 家庭。

3. f,u,e,t,b,i a,l,u(美丽的 u g a l p y r n o(操场。


like, which, you, pet

2 some ,water is ,there

3 much, the, biscuits are how

room, the, is, the, on, computer, third


ab 1a. it`s behind the see-saw。.

2b what can you see?.

3c where is it?

4d. i can see a slide.


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