
发布 2020-07-31 03:29:28 阅读 5309




)1. a. stand b. sad c. happy

)2. b. house c. mouth d. south

)3. a. teacher

)4. a. food b. noodles c. look d. afternoon

)5. a. animal b. ride c. him d. give



child (复数quiet(副词。

shop (现在分词three(序数词。

teach (过去式they(物主代词。

week(同音词h**e (第三人称单数形式)__

won’t(完全形式play (名词。


1. i will拜访)my cousin, jing.

2. do you want these or那些)?

3. danny ate breakfast一次)last week.

4. do you记得)?

5. walking to school is锻炼).

d) 按括号内词的适当形式填空。(每题1分,共5分)

1. everyone __want) to learn english.

2. li mingnot go) to school on saturdays and sundays.

3. wang huabuy) a t-shirt for his brother yesterday.

4. ifly) a kite in the park tomorrow.

5. look! li mingwrite) a postcard on the desk.


1. i will teach li ming to speak english tomorrow. (用yesterday改为一般过去时态)

2. jenny goes to school five days a week.(对画线部分提问)

3. li ming usually does his homework after school. (改为一般疑问句)

4. is the feather he**y or light? (作出正确回答)

5. are you reading a book? (作否定回答)


)1. do you h**erunners?

a. some b. little c. any

)2. can you __the basketball __li ming?

a. throws, to b. throwing, to c. throw, to

)3. yesterday i __my mother clean the house.

a. helped b. helps c. help

)4. -what are you going toi am going to __basketball.

a. do, playing b. do, play c. doing, play

)5. this big apple is __that small one is __

a. yours, mine b. your, my c. yours, my

)6. he is a good student. he’s __late for school.

a. never b. often c. always

)7. the ping-pong ball is __than the basketball.

a. he**ier b. lighter c. bigger

)8. boxes, buses and dresses get bigger with __es.

a. a b. an c. /

)9. teachers’ day is

a. may first b. october first c. september tenth

)10. li lei is strong, but wang lei is

a. happy b. weak c. he**y


)1. how many books are there on the desk?

)2. when does the party begin?

)3. what does your father do?

)4. where did you go today?

)5. how much are the socks?

a. he is a bus driver.

b. it begins at 7:00 in the evening.

c. we went to the store to buy gifts.

d. they’re five yuan.

e. there are fifty.


1. be for i china the summer will in holiday

2. jump they up down and

3. someone door at there's the

4. a what day sunny hot,5. season f**ourite what’s your


a crow and a fox

one day a crow(乌鸦) is sitting in a big tree. she has a big piece of meat in her moth. a fox is looking for his food.

when he sees the crow and her meat, he says to the crow, “good morning. mrs. crow!

how are you? how are your babies?” but the crow doesn’t say a word.


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