
发布 2020-08-03 16:59:28 阅读 9160


一、 听辨单词或词组,将正确选项的序号填入题前括号中,听一遍。(16分)

) million b billion ( thousand b cousin

)3. a well b postcard b e-card

) chinatown in america b the rstaurants in america

) miss b mess

) ships b famous b family

) stamps b holiday b hobby

) another b other ( lanernfestival b dragon boat festival

) flag b festival b special

) riding b reading ( please b pleased

二、 听音排序,根据所听到的英文词组或句子用“a、b、c、d…”给其汉语译文排序,听两遍。(8分)






三、 听音补全句子,听两遍。(12分)

1.look at this 's a picture the great wall.

2. a big map of

3.tell me something the bird.

4.i'm sending an e-mail my family china.

5.the great wall is a very

6.there arechinese shops there.

四、 听问句,选择答语,听两遍。(4分)

) we carry flags and we sing songs.

b tomorrow is flag day.

) no,i can't.

b well,thanksgiving day is my f**ourite festival.

) we always h**e a special say“thank-you”for our

food,family and friends.

b we h**e a christmas tree and we sing songs.

) spring festival is my f**ourite festival.

b i don't tell you.


笔试测试。一、 写出下列单词的适当形式。(12分)




二、 英汉互译(24分)

1. 收集邮票是我的爱好。

2. h**e you got any stamps from canada?

3. you do miss china.

4. 让我们现在去唐人街吧!

5. what do you do on thanksgiving day?


7.ride the bicycle

can be my chinese pen friend.

you tell me more about american festival?



12.we all go to see the dragon boat race.

三、 根据句意及首字母提示补全句子。(6分)

you tell me m about american festival?

always h**e a special m on thanksgiving day.

watch a big football g on tv.

to meet you.

you do w i can do ?

a big map of america!


1.thanksgiving h**e a big christmas tree.

and we sing christmas songs.

all go to see the dragon boat race.

boat always h**e a special meal.

it's a big family dinner.

could eat dumplings.(水饺)


广州版六年级上学期期末英语检测题。答题时间 30分钟 班级学号 姓名成绩。一 根据字母 中文提示完成句子,每格只能写一个单词 10分 1 wellington is qthan other c 2 w you at school yesterday m 3 cis the m popular fes...


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