大英辅导区英语模拟试卷 六年级

发布 2020-07-31 04:12:28 阅读 9802



listening part听力部分(30分)

一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词和或句子。(10分)



) 3、a、shorter b、strongerc 、spring

)4、a、go hiking b、go shoppingc 、go fishing

)5、a、watching tv b、washing the dishes c 、writing a letter

)6、a、took pictures b、take pictures c 、ate good food

)7、a、february b、septemberc、 august


) 9、a、what time is it now?

b、what day is it today ?

c、what’s the date today?

)10、a、where did you go on you holiday?

b、when did you go there?

c、what did you do there?



)1、 abc、

)2、 ab、 c、

) 3、abc、

) 4、abc、

) 5、a、 bc、


)1、a、it’s red . b、 it’s orange . c、it’s my blue.

)2、a、he’s 12 years old. b、he’s 9 years old. c、he’s my brother.

)3、a、it’s on may 1st. b、it’s on monday. c、it’s on july 1st .

)4、a、he’s 165cm. b、he’s 65kgc、he’s 160cm..

)5、he likes summer best . b、he likes spring best. c、he likes fall best.

writing part 笔试部分(70)




) 1. a. monkey b . bread c. tiger

) 2 .a. chinese b. china c. england

) 3. a. guitar b. piano c. football

) 4. b. today c. saturday

) 5 . b. cold c. summer

三.单项填空,选出能填入句子空白处的最佳答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。 (共15小题,每小题1分)




1、can youjump) very high?

2、 i wantgo) and play basketball.

3、jim and billsing) in the room now.

4、there are somebook) on the desk.

5、therebe) a picture of my father in my bag.


1. sang, i , and , with, danced, new, friends, my.

2. 4 cm, you, are, than, taller, me.

3. you, did, them, clean, help, their, room.

六年级语文模拟试卷 区编

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