
发布 2020-07-31 04:14:28 阅读 6487








) will take my kite___saturday.

a. in b. at c. on

) is the capital __china.

a. on b. in c. of

) a book __london.

a. about b. of c. in

) going to __a picnic tomorrow.

a. h**e

) play __my friends.

a. with b. to c.不填。

) is taller fangfang..

a. to c. and

) am china.

a、an b、a c、the

) can .

a. walk b. walking c. 不填。

) monday, i will go .

a. swim b. swimming

) day , robot will do .

b. 不填

三、 用动词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

1. it __be) ben’s birthday last friday.

2. we all __h**e) a good time last night.

3. hejump) high on last sports day.

4. helenmilk) a cow on friday.

5. she likes __news*****s, but she __a book yesterday. (read)

6. he __football now, but they __basketball just now. (play)

7. jim’s motherplant) trees just now.

8theysweep) the floor on sunday? no, they __

9. iwatch) a cartoon on monday.

10. wego) to school on sunday.




1.is, this , my , mother (.

2. can, walk , it (.

swimming, i’ll , on monday(.)taller , than , amy’s(.)will , in beijing, be windy, (


1. nancy is going to go camping.(改否定)

nancygoing to go camping.

2. i’ll go and join them.(改否定)

i __go __join them.

3. i’m going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改一般疑问句)

to get up at 6:30 tomorrow?

4. we will meet at the bus stop at 10:30.(改一般疑问句)

meet at the bus stop at 10:30.

5. she is going to listen to music after school.(对划线部分提问)

sheafter school?

6. they are doing housework .***否定句)


7.the students are not cleaning the classroom . 改成肯定句)

the studentsthe classroom .

8.i’m playing the football in the playground .(对划线部分进行提问)

the football.

mother was a teacher before.(对划线部分进行提问)

his mother before.

10. can you help me borrow a english book?


)1. 机器人会做蛋糕。

a. robot can do everything.

b. they can help children learn.

c. robots can make cakes.

( )2. 明天将是晴天吗?

a. it will do cold tomorrow.

b. will it be sunny tomorrow?

c. will it be hot tomorrow?

)3. 机器人会走路。

a. robots can talk.

b. robots can walk.

c. robots can’t walk.

)4. 她是一个好老师。

a. she’s a nice teacher.

b. she’s a bit shy.

c. she’s very nice.

)5. 伦敦是英国的首都。

a .it’s a book about london.

b .london is the capital of england.

c. i’m from england.

九、阅读短文,判断正( t )误( f )(每小题2分,共10分)

hi! my name is amy. my friend’s name is daming.

daming’s hair is shorter. my hair is longer. he is taller than i.

and i’m younger than daming. i’m fatter and he is thinner.

is daming’s friend.

) 2. daming’s hair is shorter than amy’s.

) is younger than amy.

) 4. amy is a girl.

) 5. daming is fatter than amy.


1 一个小数的小数点分别向右,左边移动一位所得两数之差为2.2,则这个小数用分数表示为。2 某种皮衣标价为1650元,若以8折降价 仍可盈利10 相对于进价 那么若以标价1650元 可盈利元。3 求多位数111 11 2000个 222 22 2000个 333 33 2000个 被多位数333 3...


一 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。每题0.5分,共5分 复数复数。同音词第三人称单数。同义词对应词。过去式同音词。形容词动名词。二 翻译短语。每题0.5分,共5分 1.当然可以。2.八千万人。3.许多中国的商店和饭馆。4.一些来自中国的玩具娃娃。5.元宵节。6.用英语写电子邮件和故事。7.中国历史。...


满分100分,60分钟完卷。听力部分 20分 i.听录音,把人物与其所在国家的国旗搭配起来。5分 a bc de 1.mary 2.sam 3.lin feng 4.bill 5.jim ii.听录音,选择正确答案。5分 1.a.yes,she isb.no,she isn t.c.i don t ...